Tuesday, May 18, 2010

« km solidarité », 19 000 students in the run!

Yay, Krista came home with a medal today!  They have been training for this race at school for the last month...running, running, running! The event was held on the border of France and Germany for all local 5th grade students and several schools in Germany. For every kilometre that is run there is a .20 cent donation to the local hospital (Children's Unit). There were 19,000 total in the run and it was divided between 2 days.. Grades 1-4th ran yesterday in their local stadiums. (Erik ran yesterday--he was 1st in his class btw, running 8 laps around the track in 20 minutes!). ALL 5th graders ran together today (4,000 total). Krista's heat totaled 300 runners and she came in 8th place! The first 10 places received medals. She might be on France 3 news tonight. She did a small interview. Last year I believe they made over 7,000 Euros in dontation money!! Such a great idea to have a race like this...It benefits everyone!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I didn't know they gave out medals!

Good work Krista. My kids really hate doing that. They hate being forced to run. Ronnie was actually sick the day before so I didn't want him doing it and kept him home an extra day.

It would be fun if it were more voluntary. I just wish they weren't forced to do it!