Wednesday, May 05, 2010

McNeil Consumer Healthcare Announces Voluntary Recall of Certain OTC Infants’ and Children’s Products

I I received an email notifcation from today that several items I had orderd were being recalled. Infant Tylenol and Infant Motrin. These are some of the most common medications for fever reduction in babies and young the world! I'm disappointed to see this happen and I'm also angry to see the recall take place so LATE in the game. These products are due to expire this month! Most people have already used these medications on their babies and don't even know it. Basically if you have used infant Motrin or infant Tylenol in the last year and a half you have been involved. I personally use these very sparingly and noted that I had several unopened boxes in my medicine cabinet. I also found 2 opened and used bottles (used when Evan was teething... or perhaps last winter when he was running a fever with a cold). I have lost faith in a very trusted medical company. Their track rerecord in the last year has been terrible.

McNeil Consumer Healthcare Announces Voluntary Recall of Certain OTC Infants’ and Children’s Products

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