Friday, May 14, 2010

Phi and Mathematics in Photography. Nature by Numbers

I adore photography! Yes, you all know that. The more involved I become, however, the more I reazlize how beautiful and complicated photography can be. I just finished up taking some pictures for submission into this month's dgrin contest. These challenges always stretch my abilities as a photographer. The theme for this round is "Golden Spiral" or "S-Curve".

The human eye is attracted to images that follow these compositions. The golden spiral composition, for example is mathematically based on Phi ratios and is sometimes called a Fibonacci sequence, Golden Mean or Golden Ratio. I will include a link to a BEAUTIFUL video based on these compositional principles. Sometimes these compositional principles are called "God's Fingerprint" as many natural wonders are composed according to these Phi ratios. Beauty is mathematical... and composing a photo in such a way as to capture the composition is key to a beautiful image!!!!! I will include my entry (one that I had a lot of fun making), and I will also attach the 2 others I considered entering. In all, I narrowed it down to two "Golden Spirals" and 1 "S-Curve". The one of Kaitlyn I just couldn't resist :)

Here is the amazing video. It is breathtakingly beautiful and shows the compositional elements in nature (one that a photographer should aspire to capture)

Here is the photo I ultimately submitted (complete with Golden Spiral Overlay)...

My S-Curve option:

2nd Golden Spiral Composition

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