Monday, April 30, 2007

Kaitlyn's First Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday Kaitlyn!!!!!

Oh my goodness how time flies. When I think about all that has gone on in the last year it makes my head spin. This time last year we were in our rental house and not even sure when we'd move into our new home. Now I sit here at the computer in our brand new home with a precious baby that will be turning ONE YEAR old today!!! I would never have been able to imagine all that would take place this year. It was a fantastic year, that's for sure. Kaitlyn has gone from newborn to baby to "toddler" very quickly and seems to amaze me daily with her progress. She seems to understand so much of what I say and what goes on around her. It is really incredible to witness her grow and develop.

The last few months have been big ones for Kaitlyn. There was one point at about 9 months old when I wondered "WHEN is she going to crawl???!!!!" Well it happened quickly thereafter and then within a week or two she not only was an expert at crawling but an expert at pulling to stand, cruising and even free-standing! With Kaitlyn she goes from not doing something at all, to doing it perfectly. It was the same with sitting--one day she just suddenly knew how to do it. I'm sure it will be the same with walking. Just up and go!

Kaitlyn is a joy. A really fun, perky little performer. She loves attention and people. She loves to make us all laugh and does such a good job at it too! She is SUCH a loving and cuddly little baby. She gives kisses, hugs and cuddles all the time. It is just so precious and I hope it will last forever! She loves having her hair and cheek stroked. She loves drifting off to sleep like that and it just melts my heart!

We've all really enjoyed Kaitlyn so much this year....I still can't believe it has been a YEAR. In some ways it seems like she has always been with us and in some ways it seems like just yesterday that we were all in the hospital room adoring our precious new bundle.

I put together two little montages. The first is of Kaitlyn's Birth. I really wanted to go back and remember that day. It is all from her actual birthday (since she was born early we had a full day with her). The second is a month by month segment piece. I'll be sure to post a little update on her 12 month development in the very near future!!! :)

HAPPY 1st Birthday my sweet little angel. You are a ray of sunshine and love!!! I'm so blessed to have you as my daugher!!! I love you!!


Erin Crispin said...

Happy birthday, Kaitlyn! What a beautiful little girl you have grown up to be already! Enjoy your special day.

4 in 4 said...

Happy Birthday, Kaitlyn! I wanted to make sure to get you on the actual day! You are such a cutie pie and you make me smile. I've loved watching your grow up this year. Enjoy your special day.

Francemama said...

Thanks girls!!! We had a fun, fun day. I can't believe our WHOLE group is now offically one!! Where did the time go?!!!