Friday, June 13, 2008

Erik's Tennis Tournament and Celebration

Erik finished up his tennis season with a bang. They had a mini-tennis tournament and celebration on Wednesday and the kids had a blast. There were 6 members of Erik's team who participated. It was held at a local tennis complex that is ENORMOUS--about 15 or more courts (outdoors). They also had an indoor complex, but fortunately it turned out to be a beautiful sunny day so the event was held outdoors. The kids arrived at 1:45 and proceeded to register. Upon registering they received a tournament t-shirt and a baseball hat. Each team was color-coded by hat so the leaders could keep them together. There were probabally 100 kids or more participating in the tournament from all over the area. It was for 6-8 year olds so Erik was the youngest. He will be able to participate for a few more years so that will be fun for him. The kids did various circuit activities---each lasted 20 minutes and then they proceeded to a different court for another activity. They had so much fun! At the end of the day there were drawing tables, gifts, drinks and cake for the kids. For the finale, they gave each child a certificiate of participation, and also a helium air balloon. All the kids gathered on the main court and they counted down to the release of the ballons. All at once, hundreds of balloons were released up into the air... accompanied by LOUD shreaks of exitement from the kids! It was a great way to end the tennis season for Erik.

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