Sunday, June 22, 2008

Krista's 9th Birthday Party!


Well, I am pleased to announce that I am STILL alive after Krista's FIRST (and as Toomas jokingly said.. LAST) SLUMBER PARTY!! What a sucess it was! The girls had SO much fun! They did EVERYTHING you could ever hope to do at a slumber party!

Krista invited 6 girls to the group party, 3 of whom would sleep over. Six girls sleeping over seemed like way too many, so we settled on 1/2 who would sleep over. The group party was from 3:00-6:00, and the sleepover lasted until 11:00 Sunday morning.

I baked a pretty neat cake for Krista this year---an ice cream cone cake! I decorated it with chocolate scoops, a strawberry scoop and complete with a "cherry" gumball on top! It was sad cutting the cake. I took some photos though and the girls just absolute RAVED about it! It was well worth the extra effort.

The "main" party was a scrapbooking theme party. We took a bunch of photos and I let the girls loose with all of my scrapbooking accessories. We used the kitchen table, and the island so they could spread out and work. It was quite a cleanup, but the the pages looked wonderful and the girls had so much fun letting their creatives minds loose.

The scrapbooking took a lot of time, so afterwards it was immediately presents and cake. Krista is really into faries this year so her friends. Her friends were wonderful and got her the cutest gifts ever---a fairy watch, a drawing fairies gift set, a fairy game, a petshop stuffed animal, an art kit and a TICKET to go see Lorie in concert (a pop singer). She was SO spoiled!

I was already tired at the end of this party, but had to keep going.. the night was still young! I cooked the girls Krista's favorite dinner ('veggie bouillion' white rice, breaded fish and carrots). A totally simple meal, but one that the girls ADORE! After dinner they played games (indoors and out), decorated a slumber party pillowcase, and watched movies. It was BEAUTIFUL weather this weekend so we really lucked out, but boy was it was HOT! They had a squirt-gun fight with the neighbor boys next door while I set up the air-mattresses downstairs in the family room. I had 3 mattresses set up side by side. Krista wanted to be able to stay up late and watch videos, so it was much more logical to put the noisy girls downstairs than next to Kaitlyn's room!!! The girls stayed up WAY too late, giggling and telling scary stories to each other--and I became a bit frustrated on several occaions. I think it was probabally at least 2:30 a.m. before they finally crashed!!! And guess what?? They were up BRIGHT AND EARLY this morning at 7 a.m. sharp!

For breakfast Toomas went to the bakery and got fresh croissants, petits-pains au chocolate and other goodies for the girls. After breakfast they played some games on the computer and played hide-and-seek in the house. They had a wonderful time and Krista was sad to see everyone leave. Fortunately one of the girls invited her to go to a pool today in Germany so she will be TIRED when she gets home tonight! I think everyone will sleep well tonight!!!

Here is the photo evidence!!!


4 in 4 said...

Wow, Kelly! It sure looks like everyone had a great time. What great planning on your part too and the cake looks fabulous. Happy Birthday, Krista! Wow, is she growing up too fast.

Francemama said...

Yes, she's growing up FAST! It is exciting to see them grow, but sad to leave the baby days behind! Thanks for your nice comments :) We had a FUN time!