Sunday, June 01, 2008

Krista is the REGIONAL CHAMPION of GRS!!

Yesterday was the Regional championship for Coupe Formation 3 in Rhythmic Gymnastics and I am PROUD TO ANNOUNCE, that KRISTA is the Regional Champion for the 2nd year in a row! It was held near Switzerland this year (about a 1 1/2 hour car ride) and was a VERY long day. The kids had school until 11, they quickly came home and ate lunch and then we hit the road in order to be there by 1:15. Krista was fairly nervous about the competition since she REALLY wanted to win again this year (the pressure was on) and we talked about just 'trying her best' a lot in the car.

The competion started at 2:30 and lasted until 6:00! It took SO long mostly because there were many many girls participating from various teams all over our region. Each girl was judged in 5 categories of rhythmic gymnastics (cord, ball, freestyle, ribbon and batons). After these were graded the girls proceeded to a separate gymnasium (away from the public) for physical endurance, strength and flexibility tests. These consisted of jump rope counts (how many per minute), long jump distance, back bend measurments, splits measurments, forward stretching measurements and 50 yard dash. What a BIG day for the girls!!!

When the points were tallied the girls proceeded back into the gym for the distribution of certificates. In order to pass into the next level a minimum of 248 points was required. Unfortunately there were many, many girls who did not meet this criteria. I knew that it was only good news for our team that we were called up to the podium last....All of the girls on Krista's team were called and then....Krista was remaining. I KNEW she had done it again. I was so thrilled for her. AND SHE BROKE A RECORD she obtained 335 points!!! The second place behind her was 312 point (from a different team and region). As we were walking out a few people from other teams asked if this was "Madame 335"? They said it was truly an outstanding result--absolutely unheard of! Krista's trainer came up afterwards and told me that the person who entered the numbers into the computer came up and asked her if this was "possible"....Krista's trainer exclaimed ABSOLUTELY! I'm so happy for Krista's sucess. She has worked so hard!!!

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

Congrats! Krista! That is absolutely fabulous! Kelly, you must be so proud of her.