Evan visited our long standing Pediatrician last week. We've been with this doctor coming up on TEN years now! The secretary is still the same, the office is still the same...in fact everything is still the same. I have a 2 (nearly 3 year old) and I'm back for monthly newborn well-baby visits. It smells oddly like 2002 all over again. Deja-vu with Krista and Erik at these SAME ages exactly. For these visits Krista and Erik are of course in school, so I just can't help but feeling 10 years younger---okay well not physically feeling (my back won't let me do that)...but feeling that I've been thrown back in time with Krista and Erik duplicates. Kaitlyn is a darker haired Krista and Evan is a lighter complexion version of Erik. Evan is also a well rounded little baby, just as my little Erik was at this age. At home when I pull out the old photo albums it seems SO odd to see Krista and Erik at these same ages...Often Kaitlyn is wearing a dress or outfit that Krista wore in the pictures. Poor little Kaitlyn sees the baby, the outfit and sreams "It's ME!"...I'm sure she feels a bit confused to see herself in those photos---in a different back yard, a different kitchen, a different decade! She is sure however, that it IS indeed her in those old photos and the baby is indeed Mommy with baby Evan.
Okay...back on track. We had our well baby visit last week and TWO rounds of vaccines for both Kaitlyn and Evan. Kaitlyn had her MMR booster and the first of the Hep B series. Evan had the new Infanrix Quinta which boasts SIX vaccines in one--hep B, Hib, Polio, tetanus, pertussus and diptheria all in one! He also had a round of Prevnar. He did really well with the first of his first shots..He didn't even cry for the Infanrix, but he did SCREAM for the Prevnar. Evidently it really burns to administer. I nursed him afterwards and he calmed down easily. When we got home I gave him a paracetamol suppository. About 5-6 hours post injection he developed a bright red, raised and warm spot around the injection site for the Infanrix. It was HOT to touch and he was in a lot of pain. I gave him a second round of paracetamol and applied ice to his leg for about a half hour. I had set my alarm for 4 hours to give him more paracetamol but it didn't go off!! Imagine my surprise when I woke up 7 hours and 30 minutes later to a sleeping Evan!! He is in the bassinet next to my bed so I peeped in and he was snoozing away. I did wake him because I was bursting at the seams to feed him and he ate and went back to bed. In the morning he wa 100% himself and the leg redness was gone. That was his BIGGEST sleep ever and since the vaccine he has done 6 or 7 hour nights consistantly. I'm wondering if it was a sleep vaccine! He did great though and hopefully it will go as smoothly next month for the same shots.
On the weight front Evan is very big. Our doctor actually said he has NEVER seen such a weight gain in such a short amount of time. Evan gained TWO kg in 6 weeks even. YES, TWO kg!!! He went from 4400 grams to 6400 grams in only 6 weeks. This is about a pound a week. He just really took off and the doctor showed me that he is outside the chart now. He said the breastfeeding is really a huge success...but he did seem a little amazed by the enormous weight gain. He hinted at it being TOO MUCH...Oh well what can I do. I feed on demand and that is why I have the good milk supply that I have. Evan WAS eating every 3-4 hours around the clock for most of that month though so now that he is doing 7 hour (+) stretches at night I'm sure the gain will slow a bit and he'll fall back in the normal range!! :) He has now grown 6 cm also (he was 59 cm at the appt). He looked healthy as can be and is a real little charmer now...talking, smiling and laughing even *the laughiing started this weekend!
Kaitlyn did really well also ONCE she had her clothes off. It took both Toomas and the doctor to undress her!!! She screamed!! Once she had her clothes off she sat amazingly still on the examining table and watched those shots go right into her arm as if she were mezmerized by the proceedure itself. The doctor commented on how she didn't even move one single centimeter..This may be due to the fact that the secretary, upon hearing her crying brough in a huge bowl of gummy candy that Kaitlyn got to hold during the shots. On a down note her eczema seemed to kick into full gear again after the shots. The doctor put bandaid over both shots and we didn't remove them that night because she was afraid to do so..in the morning when I took them off she had raised red bandaid marks on her arms from where she reacted to the adhesive. It is still there over a week later. She also had some patches on the back of her leg and was scratching a lot. Kaitlyn has always had these reactions after her shots.. I was hoping with age it would be better...and infact it is a bit better. She had a much stronger reaction at her 12 and 18 month boosters.
So that is the doc's update for this month.... Look how much Evan has grown!! I've posted a picture of him in his tubby at home for the first time (1 week old) and now a photo from last week (2 months). What a change. I'm afraid the days are now numbered for this little tubby!!!