Friday, March 27, 2009

Krista's Regional Competition

Krista is now more than 1/2 way through her Duo season with Charlotte! I can't believe it is going so fast! They are doing well for being (by far) the youngest in their category. Here they are doing their routine for the Regional competition. They were up against some 12 year olds!! They came in third and received medals and got to go up on the podium. Next compeition is on April 5th (about 2.5 hours from here). If they come in 1st place there they will be going to the French National compeition. GO GIRLS!!!

Also here are a few pictures of Krista in her competition leotard..It is really beautiful---and was embellished by her trainer...which took MONTHS to complete! :) Thanks Iza!

Enjoy the video!

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