Tuesday, March 03, 2009

1 Month Update

----Considering we're already 1/2way through, we better get going on the 1 Month Update. At One Month Evan is a precious little man!! He is growing absolutely faster than the wind at the moment, and it continues to amaze me how quickly he is changing. This morning when I weighed him he was 5,660grams. So in pounds this is roughly 12 1/2 lbs. In only 6weeks he has gained over 4 pounds (2,160 kg in 6 weeks!!!!). Pretty amazing to me that this is possible!!! Socially he is maturing as well, although the smiles aren't coming as much as I'd like!! He started with the occasional smile at 5 weeks on the dot, and has been smiling more and more since then; however he isn't what I would call a "smiley" baby yet. Kaitlyn and Erik were both SMILEY, SMILEY little babies from 4 weeks onwards and I was hoping for a repeat! Of course he is still a little charmer with his sweet faces and engaging stare...and I'll more than gladly settle for the occasional grin! What Evan DOES love to do is stand up and talk.Yup, ever since he was 5 weeks old he has decided that when he is awake, standing is a lot more fun than lying down. He LOVES when I hold him up and he puts pressure on his legs. I know that he probabally shouldn't put too much pressure on his legs just yet, but he WANTS to. He flexes his little legs and gets SO excited when he knows he is standing on his own. He purses his little lips and coos in delight! In respect to feedings...well this is still a persistant and frustrating issue. He eats about every 2.5 or 3.5 hours during the day and about every 3-4.5 hours at night. He always has one 4.5 hour stretch at night which is great. He is STILL a VERY LOUD NURSER. He makes all sorts of clicks and slurping sounds... and for the life of me I can't figure out why he isn't latching properly. It had been suggested to me that with time this would improve but at 6 weeks (almost 7) he still is a LOUD, messy nurser. And with this loud nursing, he gets a lot of air in his tummy, has a lot of gas and throws up quite a bit. Some of his spitting I could classify as "projectile" vomiting, but since he is growing so well there is nothing to do! He is growing like a champ and that is the bottom line as far as any of the lactation consultants or the pediatrician is concerned. I'm constantly frustrated with this bad latch, but as long as he is growing I can't really complain. Hopefully he will start to latch on better soon so I can nurse without all of the sound effects and all of that air.. OTHERWISE, things are going really well. Everyone loves him so much and he is really just a very sweet little boy. I can't wait to see more of his personality as the weeks progress!!


4 in 4 said...

He is precious and handsome and filling out nicely. Check out those chubby cheeks! What a cutie!

Canoearoo said...

thanks for the update!