Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mama's little SWEETIE Pie!!

I LOVE my little Evan... I just can't get enough of this little guy!! Look at those big puppy dog eyes! Come on...Aaaaawwww :) I have a strong feeling this little boy is going to get EVERYTHING he wants from his Mommy. How could you say No to that face?! These were from last week *8 weeks old*.

I have been slacking a bit on the blog and have quite a few posts to catch up on so bear with me. I have some pictures I just adore for today so I'll post these first. Upcoming posts will be following! I already have 3 in mind: Evan's 2 month doctor's appointment from Friday, Krista's Regional Gymnastics Competition and a video of Evan cooing and smiling! Stay tuned! I'll be back with more :)

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