Sunday, March 15, 2009

Evan is TWO Months Old Today!

Oh my how time is flying...and all the better that way! Life is good with Evan. All the hard work of the newborn days is paying off...he is smiling, SLEEPING and generally being a great little, laid back man! This month was a great one in the social front. He loves seeing Krista or Erik's face and will always light up for them. It is precious! He is most smiley in the mornings after he has slept. I love the quiet time with him full of precious exchanges in the wee hours of the morning when the house is quiet.

He is also sleeping more and more with each passing day. This past week he went for two 6 hour (plus) stretches. One night was 6:15 minutes and the other was just over six. How do I know this so precicely? Well my Itzbeen told me so. I'll save that for another post. Anyway, he is a SLEEPER. Hooray for sleepers! I've never really had a sleeper this early on so I'm just thrilled (and rested!). Evan has his 2 month pediatrician appt this Friday so we'll see about his length, but I can already tell you that he's broken the 6 kg mark. I can't belive he is continuing to gain so quickly!

I also started (just last week) something that I've NEVER done before with the previous 3 kiddos... a pacifier. Why? Well it is based on two factors. The first is that sometimes I just am NOT available as his pacifier. This is mostly when I have to wake him to pack him and Kaitlyn in the car to get the kids from school or Krista to the gym. I always feed him before we set off on an errand so I know he isn't hungry, but he just wants to suck to get back to sleep or settle down. When I'm driving I am completely helpless. Instead of letting the little man cry it out I decided to try a pacifier. Did it work? Well answer to the question is one word--- MAGIC!! It worked like a charm. So now I never leave the house without it. I actually went to the basement to my stash of baby supplies from 10 years ago! I had a set of unused Avent pacifiers that were purchased in Germany when they still used Deutch Marks! They were 6-12 month size but I just wanted to try it out to see if it would be a hit before I bought a smaller size. So yesterday we took a trip to our baby store and bought some 0-6 month sized Nuk and Avent pacifiers, and a clip for the carseat to attach it to. I've NEVER had a pacifier baby so this is all new to me (and a little fun). I have to admit he looked darn cute with his pacifier in his mouth..a real poster baby!

The second reason for me introducing the pacifier is that he is HUGE. The boy is literally off the weight charts for his age (okay he's still on the chart but BARELY at 97%!!). He is 6,050 grams as of mid week (over 13 lbs ). He is gaining like a champ (over 5 pounds already) and a little pacifier time won't hurt him one bit. I'm NOT planning on it becoming a bad habit for him, but rather just a fill-in for the car or other times when I'm not available as a human pacifier :) A 4th time Mom needs the occaional "crutch" for sure.

Okay well here are a few recent pics of our mini-Man. Stay tuned for an update from his pediatric visit on Friday.


4 in 4 said...

Kelly, he is precious! I can't believe how big he is getting already! And 13 lbs! Wow! I hear you about the 4th one pushing you to do things that you did not do with the others. For some reason with Jeremiah, he was the one that really made me feel like I had more than I could handle at times. Sometimes I say "He pushed me over the edge." I never felt like that with three, but with four, I've been there. I have a tendancy to think BTDT and it is no big deal but with 4, it is a totally different game. Keep posting the pictures of your cutie!

Kandy Krista said...

Evan is so cute now he is really like a man now !

Francemama said...

I had to leave another comment !!!!!!! I really love trhat little muffin man !!!!!