Friday, April 30, 2010

Kaitlyn is FOUR!

Happy 4th Birthday to Kaitlyn!!! Here are a few shots from this a.m. before school. The cake is the one we made for school. A M&Ms masterpiece :) I also took a picture of her in her classroom and need to head off to pick the kids up as I type! I'll post an update of the fun later :)

Okay, the brief update...McDonalds for lunch...brownies for dessert and she opened a few presents at lunch. She was one TIRED girl after lunch and is currently taking a deep nap as I type. I need to go wake her up for her baby gym class.

Oh..and one GREAT photo that I love is the one her nursery school teacher took of her and her classmates. I lent her a camera and she snapped a few shots :) More photos tonight!


4 in 4 said...

Happy Birthday, sweet Kaitlyn. Kelly, she is as beautiful as ever. It's hard to believe our babies are 4 already. Soon, Gabriel and Kaitlyn will be ready to marry and we'll be planning the wedding!

Francemama said...

Thanks for the b-day wishes Alex!! You know what, you are SO right about the wedding being here before we know it! ;) With Krista's 11th birthday just around the corner I have realized that they grow up faster than lightning....sigh. But with those passing years there is so much joy and fun to cherish :) Hope your gang is doing well!