Thursday, November 09, 2006

Babel Fish

This is fantastic! You can translate my blog into French, Russian, name it....all in a click of a button! Just use the Yahoo BabelFish box in the sidebar (to the left),select your language of choice and voila!!! The French translation finally worked this morning and I was somewhat impressed. Although it did stray a bit in the wording, the general meaning was quite accurate. It is wild to see how my blog looks in Chinese, Russian or Greek. So, if Engish isn't your language of choice and you want to read my blog your own language --TRY BABEL FISH!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Either I'm going mad or your sidebar just disappeared. I had seen this tool and wondered if it worked well. I'll be keen to give it a burl when the sidebar re-appears. I'll let you know how accurate the Spanish translation is.