Thursday, November 23, 2006

Krista in the Gym

Look at those splits!!

Krista is my amazing little girl. Yesterday when I went to pick her up from the gym she was just glowing. It is so wonderful to watch your child develop in their own element. She just ADORES what she does and it shows. I am so happy as her Mom to see her thrive, learn and develop skills that seem to come so naturally and give so much pleasure to my little girl.

I arrived early yesterday and quietly opened the door, so as not to disturb the team. I could see that she had not yet noticed me and those are the moments that I LOVE to witness. She was just beside herself with joy and happiness in her class. I could just see her glowing...walking on air even! You know you've done the right thing for your child when you see that look on their face, that spark in thier eyes...that bounce in their step. She was in heaven!!!! I LOVED seeing that! After the class her teacher came up to me and told me that Krista is so well behaved, follows instructions and picks up the moves very quickly (then of course "I" was the one glowing). She went on to say that Krista is doing so well and learning so quickly that she would like to add one more day of GRS per week for her. She said she will be making a smaller group starting after the holidays to do a 2nd session per week for preparation for the upcoming competitions. She said she was not just trying to flatter me because I am her mother...she was saying it because it was the truth. I am so proud of Krista. She works so hard, listens well and tries her very VERY best! The competitions start at the end of this year and even if she doesn't win...she has ALREADY won! She loves what she is doing and it shows! I'm so happy to see her happy. It makes ME happy and gives me such fulfillment to see her shine!

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