So HOORAY, we found a carseat! We have a pretty particular situation because I REFUSE to le

t any of the kids ride in the front seat of my car (the airbag cannot be turned off). Our backseat only has 2 shoulder belts and the seat in the middle is only a lap belt. Krista and Erik of course need the lap and shoulder combo belt because their carseats --which are essentially padded boosters, use the belt from the car (so they need the shoulder part). Kaitlyn is now in the carrier and the base fortunately takes just the lap belt so she is in the middle. Anyway, after trips to 3 baby stores I have learned that you can only find carseats for the ISOFIX system which we don't have, or a lap/shoulder belt combo. They simply no longer sell the carseats that can be attached with just the lap belt (which they DID have only last year). So, after finding that out I was worried that we'd need a new car.BUT THEN, I stumbled upon a WONDERFUL carseat made by BRITAX (very esteemed manufacturer of seats) and it was available ONLY by mail and comes from Belgium! So we got the new seat and it looks FANTASTICLY safe! It is very padded and is designed for installation with EITHER the lapbelt or the lap/shoulder combo! We tried it out in the car and it has a very snug and srong fit. So, until Kaitlyn hits 18 kg we are set (we have a good 3.5 years to go until that happens)!
Oh and a funny story about the positioning of the seats in the car too--- A few months ago we were talking about family order and that Erik has now become the middle child. We really didn't think the kids were listening while we talked about this but they were!!! Anyway, upon hearing that he was the "middle" child, Erik blurted out-- "I'm NOT the middle child! KAITLYN is the middle child".... We explained to him that no, infact he IS the middle child and he said "NO!!! Kaitlyn is in the middle seat in the car!" And here they are....According to Erik's theory- Kaitlyn is INDEED the middle child!
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