Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Backyard Progress

Our backyard is shaping up. It feels so wonderful to have spring right at our doorstep, and an actual backyard at our doorstep too!! It is almost like discovering a second house! We have been loving our new house for these last 8 months-- and now we are actually "starting" to have a yard to love too!!!

Today the landscaper brought over a few bushes for the patio--they will give us privacy from both neighbors and also protect children from walking off the boulder retaining wall. It makes the patio feel more homelike now, and less like a construction site!! ;)

They also put a path around the whole house against the walls. There are granite rocks and patio tiles down now which make a path around the house, and also protects the house from getting dirty, and keeps it easier to mow along the house edge.

The weather has been so spring-like today--hopefully it will last so the earth can dry out a bit and then they can plant our grass!

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

The yard is looking great!