Friday, March 02, 2007

A Day with the Kids/ 10 Months Old!

Yesterday we went to Tubi-Tuba, an indoor recreation space for kids of all ages. Everyone had fun in their own way. Kaitlyn got a chance to play on a soft mat and in a fun plastic ball tank. The bigger kids played in the climbing area and on the slides. I can't believe that their first week of vacation is already over! I think they had a really fun day. I know I did :)

Today, is Kaitlyn's 10 Month Birthday. Because February only has 28 days and Kaitlyn is born on the 30th, we decided that today we should celebrate 10 months. So, HAPPY 10 Month Birthday!!!

Kaitlyn is such a fun, sweet, little baby--and these 10 months have really passed by quickly. Although she has made some advances this month physcially, she isn't yet crawling. Both Krista and Erik already were crawling at this point, but they also weren't carried around as much as Kaitlyn! We are constantly on the go too, and she doesn't have a lot of floor time. I suspect that she is going to catch up really quickly this month though, because she is FINALLY accepting us putting her on her stomach to play. Up until recently her preferred position to play was sitting. Now she actually enjoys tummy time! She is a very smart little girl, and responds to a number of questions and commands. Her favorite toy is her xylophone. She plays it very well and can sit and play it for up to half an hour at a time! She can actually hit the center of the keys perfectly with the stick. It takes a lot of coordination to do that, so I am very impressed. Even when the other kids try to play it they find it hard to hit the keys perfectly on center!

Here is a little montage I did from Tubi-Tuba. I put in a few short video clips so you can see Kaitlyn move around on her stomach and get up on her hands and knees. I wonder how much longer I have to really get babyproofing around here?!


Erin Crispin said...

What fun for the kids! Kaitlyn looks so much like you and Krista. What a beautiful and happy little girl!

4 in 4 said...

She is precious and adorable. I could not help but smile as I watched your clip! It won't be long before she is moving all over the place!