Thursday, March 22, 2007

Kaitlyn Crawls!!

BIG NEWS!! Kaitlyn has learned to crawl! She's been crawling backwards for over a week now and I was beginning to wonder when it would click. She has known how to scoot for some time (on her bottom) and could get around by rolling or inching, but hasn't done the "proper" crawl until today. It is funny how one minute they can't do it and then the next minute they can! She's been getting up on her hands and knees for 3-4 weeks now and rocking. I knew it was just a matter of a few days until she'd "take off." On the other end of the spectrum, we had Krista who just couldn't wait to get moving! From the day she was born she wanted to be on the go... Erik was somewhere in the middle (appropriately) and Kaitlyn is just more relaxed about things! Here she is:

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

That's great! Way to go, Kaitlyn!