Sunday, March 25, 2007

Kaitlyn Our Teacher

Kaitlyn is Krista's lifelong dream come true. This is a fact that Krista reminds me of, on almost a daily basis. Usually it goes something like this: "Kaitlyn is my dream baby, Mama! She is the baby sister that I've always wanted!" It warms my heart to hear these words!!!! And you know what, Krista really means it! She and Erik both ADORE their baby sister!! They get just as excited as Toomas and myself when she learns a new trick, says a new word, or makes a funny face. They are proud of her achievements and her progress--much like we are, her parents!

The birth of Kaitlyn has brought a lot of joy to our family.... loads of fun, new games and songs.... lots of laughs, and a whole truckload of goo-goo's, gaga's and baby-talk!! But with the fun also comes the work!! Now, after just about one year with Kaitlyn, they are both pretty much the experts on babies. They have both learned a LOT firsthand from living with this new little bundle of ours. They've both come to understand that babies can be lot of fun, but also require a lot of work too. They come running when she starts to fuss and needs a playmate, they scurry to pick up her dropped toys, they quickly offer their help with "babysitting" when I run to get the mail...they've learned to be great helpers!!! They've also definately learned that babies needs come first, and because of this, they've learned to compromise. They've learned to be patient. In short, I've seen traits develop in them that as thier mother, I am very proud to see! Living with this little bundle has taught them patience, giving, responsibility and understanding. It is amazing to think that these are qualities that such young children can develop....but they truly have!! Both Krista and Erik are always on the lookout for Kaitlyn's well-being and protection: they straighten her hat if it get crooked, they play VERY quietly when she is napping, they pull up her socks if they come down, they sing her a song if she gets fussy, they run to grab a kleenex when she gets messy, they even warn me if they think a toy is too dangerous for her. It is so amazing to see this maturity in both of them. They have leared a kind of selflessness that one would never imagine possible in such young children. Kaitlyn, this new little life of ours, has brought us many gifts---the gift of laugher, of smiles, of cuddles and of simple joy... but even more importantly she has given her siblings an important lesson about life itself! AMAZING!

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