Saturday, May 09, 2009

Blog Book and Labels

I'm really really happy to have found a wonderful site that will help me turn my blog into archival books! is just the EASIEST thing under the sun. It will upload all of the contents of your blog into a book in minutes. You can then choose paperback or hardcover. I LOVE it. I've been wanting to have a keepsake of my blog and now I can easily do it!

Currently I'm in the process of adding Labels to past posts also. It is a fun way of going back and reminiscing the last few years. It is in the left hand colum-bar for those interested. My blog's THIRD anniversary is coming up, believe it or not!!! So far the fun labels include: VIDEOS, PORTRAITS, as well as holidays. It will take me awhile to get it finished, but it will eventually be up-to-date. For now I'm working on 2006 memories.

As far as the blog printing goes, I am compiling books for each year of blogging at blog2print. If you are interested my 2006 blog book will look something like this!

Click link below to see my 2006 blog book:
2006 Blog book

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