Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Evan- 3 Months

Evan at 3 months is a total JOY! I love this little baby to pieces :) Evan is learning and growing so quickly now. It is amazing how subsequent children seem to breeze through all of their developments much faster than firstborns (or secondborns!). This month he has started to crunch up to a sitting position. He is working those little baby abs pretty hard :) When you sit him in the swing or bouncy seat he will try to pull himself forward. He has NO interest in tummy time. AT ALL! He hates it actually and at this point (near the end of 3rd month) can only lift his head up about 45-60 degrees...and then he starts to fuss and I come to his rescue.

Evan does not like movement either. We own 2 baby full size and another travel swing. The travel swing has only been used a few times. He does not like the position of his legs in it so he immediately lets us know! For the big swing, he does enjoy sitting in it, but just not moving! I'm happy about this because motion can be an addictive thing. This guy is laid back!

At his 3 month exam he got his 2nd round of Infanrix (Polio, DPT, Hib) and this time escaped with only a very slight induration (small, hard swelling). No redness or pain on the leg this month thankfully! He weighed 7.6 kg and was 64 cm. He is again topping the charts on weight. The doctor was mightily impressed. ESPECIALLY since Evan doesn't eat at night. Evan goes to bed at 9:30 and will wake up (on average this month) at 6 a.m for his first feeding. Then he will sleep again until 10:30 or 11!!! His average eating time is 18 minutes (I have an Itzbeen). Somehow the little man manages to maintain his solid weight on such few feedings. During the day though there are times where he will eat twice in 3 or 4 hours. This doesn't bother me as long as we are home..and when we are out he seems to forget he is hungry!!! He LOVES being out and about, and LOVES being in his little baby carrier seat. This is favorite (non human) spot. Being in the stroller on his carseat! Absolutely tops! :) He is SO transportable, this little guy. I can take him anywhere (as opposed to his 3 year old sister who I can take anywhere, but end up regretting it! )

Smiles and laughs. Evan loves to smile, but not as much as his big brother Erik! He is a little more posessive of his smiles and you really have to beam at him to get one in return. But when he does smile he is a heartbreaker!!! He also can't resist laughing when you lift him up into the air...that is too much fun!

So I think I've covered it...nursing, sleeping, shots, weight, likes/dislikes...Stay tuned for his 4 month report which is JUST around the corner seeing I've delayed this post for way too long :)

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