Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Evan at 4 Months

Here's the little man at 4 mos. So far he's off to a good start! Last night he slept 6.5 hours in his first stretch, followed by 6 hours. This seems to be the schedule lately, so I'm happy with that :) He's grabbing toys and putting ANYTHING and everything into his mouth now. He's also drooling up a storm so I think we'll have an EARLY teether on our hands. I took these photos a few days ago. He's getting to be so fun now with everyone- laughing and smiling. We don't have our next dr's appt until June, but on my baby scale he is weighing 8, 150 g so he's one BIG guy!

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

cutie petutie!!!