Monday, May 11, 2009

Weekend activities

I'm just having so much fun with Evan now. He is my savior at the moment!! I have Erik and Krista who are at each other's throats for 1/2 the day, then Kaitlyn who is entering the "Terrible Three's" and then my SWEETHEART Evan!!!! Ahhh. He is really my sunshine...all dressed in yellow too....and I forgot to mention, he pulled 8.5 hour night-stretches all weekend. HOOORAY for sleeping babies! :)

We had a nice long weekend here in France, although it wasn't Mother's Day here yet. I believe Mother's Day is the 1st of June this year, so it is coming up. Frodau was Victory Day (1945 over Germany) so it was another long weekend here in France. I think 3 out of the 4 weekends in May are 3 day weekends. We managed to get the yard in shape (mowing trimming, sweeping), get some clothes shopping done for the kids on Saturday, and yesterday Toomas put in the new fancy lights up for the entry-way. They are the same post lights that we have on the terrace. The electrician's passed by on Thursday to put in the lines. They look great!


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