So I was feeling inspired and decided to do a few shoots with Evan. He is so fun to take pictures of! I really got into both of these series. The fuzzy hat was really inspiring for me. I went with a cooler feel in whites and grey. In the sleeping series I was all about warming things up. Those 2 fuzzy blankets just screamed soft light! The one taken from the back of his head just melts my heart! If you click to enlarge you can literally FEEL that soft baby hair...go ahead, touch your screen! :) I got a zillion shots of him sleeping. It was a rare moment back in the newborn sleep poses. All in all a fun set! Enjoy!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Here are the links. Continued Thanks!
A big thanks to Natalie, Kadi, Tommy, Steve, Mom, Toomas, Lea, Amelie, Margot and everyone else who has chipped in with the voting! The kids are almost all in the 5 range now (except Krista). I'm hoping to get these numbers higher in the next few weeks! We can really use your help. A 10 carries a lot of weight :)
Here are the links all in one spot for your convenience.
Here are the links all in one spot for your convenience.
Another Contestant

So ad Krista to the competition!!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Soliciting Votes to win a Portrait Shoot!
We decided to enter a few photos into a local photo contest so that we might win a free portrait shoot by a very well known Parisian photography studio!
You can help us win be voting for each of the kids... Just click on the links below and then click on the voting box (a 10 would be WONDERFUL). Once you click the voting box you need to confirm your email address. Once you check your email and confirm the address you can go back and vote for real! You can vote once every day (until October I believe). So definately keep the kids in mind!! 10's regularly would really increase our chances of winning this portrait package....AND YOU ALL KNOW how much I love my pictures!
The links will be posted in the most recent blog entry! :)
A BIG THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can help us win be voting for each of the kids... Just click on the links below and then click on the voting box (a 10 would be WONDERFUL). Once you click the voting box you need to confirm your email address. Once you check your email and confirm the address you can go back and vote for real! You can vote once every day (until October I believe). So definately keep the kids in mind!! 10's regularly would really increase our chances of winning this portrait package....AND YOU ALL KNOW how much I love my pictures!
The links will be posted in the most recent blog entry! :)
A BIG THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Kaitlyn on the Swing!
Kaitlyn amazes me---must be something about the 3rd child learning things earlier than the others out of necessity. She mastered swinging last spring...even before her 3rd birthday. The girl just LOVES to swing...just LOVES it. I captured her this week enjoying her swing time...." I'm lovin' it" as she always s

Monday, September 14, 2009
Evan's 6-7 Month Report
Today is the 14th, so I have one final day of Evan being 7 months old to write this report. Better get this done today or it just won't happen! Life has been busy with the start of school and all of the craziness that goes with the first weeks back in action. The trip to America trip was a fantastic adventure for us and Evan really took some big steps forward. I always find that trips will do that to babies. They are stimulated in different ways from their normal home routine, so they really mature quicky with all of the new stimuli.
Okay... Evan at 7 months....Where should I start? Evan is REALLY changing before my eyes these last few weeks. This last month he has rounded a corner in physical and social development, but has reverted back to babyness in other ways! Specifically speaking in the sleep category.Physical Progress: I'm really proud of my Evan this month for his physical progress. He has mastered rolling and easily go back to stomach and stonach to back. He started his rolling in vigor right after we got back from America. In the last 2 weeks he has also learned how to get into a sitting position from being on his back, and he can even get into (and stay) in the crawling position now for about a minute. I can tell that these milestones have made him restless. He is just so anxious to get going. He sure is going to be a fireball when he takes off. He is just so CURIOUS about everything. This boy studies anything you give him! He wants to figure out how everything works. He also loves banging and making noise. He will either bang things with his fist or take and object and hit it against something to see what it sounds like. He is so different than Kaitlyn was at this age. He does not like being confined (in a playpen for example) and really just wants to get going and discover! In a nutshell he is ALL BOY! I can tell he is going to be a curious and strong little discoverer. I don't think he is going to be happy until he can run around. His frustration in his lack of ability to do what he wants to do is evident. Mr curious just can't get enough of the world! He wants to go go go and DISCOVER!! He is our "Mr Grabber!" He has the longest arms and farthest reach I have ever seen! He will try to grab whatever I have in my hand when I am holding him. If I don't watch carefully, he will grab anything in his reach. He once spilled my soup all over my lap when I was eating with him on my knee... and he has lifted a glass out of the sink with one hand when I was putting something in there too. He works fast so you have to be on full attention He will grab my makeup or toothbrush from me too *as you see he is often in my arms!
Evan also mastered sitting during our stay in America. Before we left for the US he could sit up without support, but I always had to put a pillow behind him for fear he would crash backwards (or forwards). Midway through our USA trip he was sitting solidly (so for the record a a little over 6 months). Evan has always been a standing guy--he loved to put his weight on his legs even at 2 months. His legs are so solid and strong now! Uncle Mike decided to take him for a walk and Evan did it! Mike held his hands and walked with him...and this made Evan very happy! I haven't really tried to force that on him yet but I know that he is very interested in moving.
Eating: Still nursing well and often... approx 80% of nutrition from my milk at this point. He nurses about every 2.5-3 hours during the day, but the day sessions are short (lasting approx 5-10 minutes max) From a nursing standpoint the only difficulties we are experiencing now is interest to nurse for any length during the day. I have to take him to a dim room so that he will focus. At night Evan nurses very well (no energy for distractions) and will nurse about 25 minutes, approx 2x a night. Often he is waking up 3 or 4 times but only nurses for 2 of those wakings. Evan does not have the same desire to suck as Krista or Erik. Both Krista and Erik needed a lot of non-nutritional sucking. During his 3rd-5th month when he discovered his fingers, he LOVED sucking his 2 middle fingers or thumb. I thought for sure we had a finger sucker on our hands, but the moment he got his 2 bottom teeth he didn't want to suck his fingers anymore. I really wish he would still suck his fingers though, because he was able to put himself back to sleep by sucking his thumb or his 2 middle fingers. Now that he doesn't like to suck anymore, he has been waking and can't sooth himself back to sleep. For the health of his teeth however, our orthodontist would be happy that he stopped the finger sucking habit early!
Evan started solids on our trip to America. We started Evan off with bananas and the first day he didn't seem to be interested. The 2nd day however, he really seemed to like them. I had chilled the bananas in the freezer and I think they felt wonderful on his sore gums. He ate about 5 spoonfuls which I think is pretty good for an early feeding. I thought he was going to be an easy baby with the transition to solids, but I was wrong! We tried apples, carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes and a peach/apple/banana combo and he really didn't take to it. The most I could ever get him to eat would be 1/2 a jar of the mini size 1 jar...So maybe about 8 small spoons in total. When we returned here at the end of August he still wasn't that interesed in food. About 2 weeks ago something clicked and he really has been trying more and more foods. He does NOT like pureed foods or "baby" food. This was the same case with Erik. Erik went to solid chunk food right away. Erik was also an early teether so from this standpoint the boys are very similar. Evan will eat steamed salmon flakes and chew them very carefully. He will eat small pieces of banana that he still has to mash, he has tried bread, cheerios and fresh pears. He will take bites from a pear and is very careful to take small bites that he can mash with his 6 teeth. I have also used the baby safe feeder with him and he loves this. It is a mesh net that you can fill with ice or apples or whatever you want and the liquid and some of the solid form comes through. When I am busy with the 3 others I can give him an apple in his "net" and he can chew it up and eat the fresh apple safely. If I put a 1/2 banana inside it will entirely disappear! He loves feeding himself from that! He has also started with the picer grip this month and can pick up a cheerio and put it into his mouth.
Appearance: I weighed Evan about 2 weeks ago and he was a bit over 10 kg (22 pounds). This boy is BIG. He is wearing 12 months clothes now and filling them out. I'm not sure about his height but it must be near the average 12 month range because the pants fit him. Everyone who sees him thinks there is NO way that he is only 7 months. Those 6 teeth and his size really make him look much older. He still has very little hair. He lost all of his baby hair and has gone very light. His complexion is much like Krista's. He has very light eyes that glow and is very fair. Kaitlyn and Erik are both very similar in skin tone, while it seems Krista and Evan are more like me. Krista has many freckles and is much more sensitive to the sun. I have a feeling Evan will be much like Krista. The hair on top is nearly white in places and strawberry blonde in others. My money is on Krista's hair color when he is older. Both Erik and Kaitlyn are much darker (with Kaitlyn being the darkest hair color of the kids).
Personality: Evan loves to sing when he is tired, he laughs when you say "mama" and can even repeat it now. He is a serious little guy for the most part. Very intense and curious. He will laugh when you make silly faces at him or kiss his neck but he doesn't smile without a bit of coaxing. He'll smile back at you but usually isn't the instigator of the smile. Erik was my Mr. Smile Machine as far as smilers go in the family. Both Krista and Kaitlyn were a bit more selective of who they smiled for and when they smiled. Evan is a sweet little guy though, for sure! Nicknamed "Muffin Man" or the King of Evoland. The kids call him Evo, and since he always gets his way he became King Evo! He LOVES to be held. He wants to see the world from my vantage point and being held is a lot more interesting than being down low. He also loves playing with water bottles or cups! He get SOOOOO excited when he sees a big plastic water bottle! It is the funniest thing! He starts flapping his arms and legs until you give him the plastic container. He also loves spashing in the tub with his blue shovel! He loves getting his hair rinced too and running the showerhead on his back! He will give you high-fives or clap your hand. He loves playing with his hands. I could go on and on....he is quite the character. I'm enjoying every moment of this special little guy!!!
Schedule: Wakes up at 7 on the nose every morning and nurses. He usually is up until about 9:00 nurses quickly again and then sleeps for about an hour and a half (until 10:30). He has a small nursing session before I get the big kids from school at 11:40 and then eats lunch with the older kids. It is usually a battle to keep him up until 1:30 but we manage. He takes a 1.5 hour nap from 2-3:30 and we we the kids from school at 4. After we get the kids I nurse him again and he sits in his highchair with the kids while we talk about school and have our afterschool snack. At around 6 he is tired and will catnap a bit in the stroller. He'll eat a solid meal after he catnaps..I'm still pushing the pureed green beans, carrots or spinach for dinner but he often resists and I give into feeding him fruit and yogurt (his current favorite)! I bathe him around 7:30 and he nurses again (very well) and is in bed by 8 or 8:30. He'll wake up if I am "lucky" at midnight. His first 4 hour stretch is the longest. After that he will wake up a few more times...often 2 o'clock and again at 5. He nurses very well at 5 and then at 7 when he is up for the day. He'll nurse quickly at 7 and then play in his playpen as I get the kids ready for school. All in all he's at a fairly difficult stage right now, but I'm trying to enjoy every minute becasue I know how quickly he will grow. Soon this will all be a distant memory and he will be walking/running around all over the house...chatting away!
So I've rambled on enough...but I just wanted to make sure I didn't forget anything. Capturing 2 months at once isn't easy! :) It is worth taking the time to do this because I don't want to forget this very special time!!! It is so wonderful having my 1 on 1 time now with Evan while Kaitlyn is at school in the morning...taking walks with him or just playing on the floor. I'm lovin' it!
Monday, September 07, 2009
Kaitlyn's FIRST day at school!
Kaitlyn is an official student in the French system as of 8 o'clock this a.m! She was so proud this morning to put on her backpack with the big kids! She kept telling me that is was such a special day for her...and that she is finally big enough to go to school. She said "It is going to be a GREAT day for me today, Mommy!" So with that positive attitude we headed off for school. The first few minutes were wonderful, we hung up her backpack on the hook with her first name, put on her in-school slippers and entered the classroom to meet her teacher (who is also the director of the school). Kaitlyn had an orientation back in June so she remembered her room and was excited to play in the activity centers. Erik was in this same school the year before last year, so she may still have some vague recollections from this building. For me it is a very comfortable place. I've already passed 6 years inside this building with Krista and Erik. I started with Krista in this school back in 2002 and was there until 2008...with only a one year break last year. Now it starts up again for the NEXT 6 years with both Kaitlyn and Evan combined! It is a 2nd home to me.
So, everything went fairly well for the first 15 minutes. I talked with her teacher and the assistant, and the good news is that the assistant actually speaks some Enlgish. I think for Kaitlyn things will be rough for a short spell. She has never been away from me, and to top things off she also doesn't even know French (at all)! That combined with being a strong-willed little girl and things are going to be hard for her. Thankfully the teacher's assistant speaks some English. I pray that this will be of comfort to her. After about 20 minutes, I said goodbye and left the room. She was brave and stayed in her play corner (the beauty salon corner). I peeked in through the hallway window, which was the big mistake. She was standing on a chair trying to look out at me! I signaled for her to sit down and that is when she melted. I marched out the door and am currently waiting pick-up in 1 hour! I will post with the full report later.
It is exciting to have her in the French system, despite it being a difficult morning. I honestly think she is ready for this change! It will be hard, but has to be done. I just can't believe that she is already big enough to be in school! It seems like just yesterday I was writing out her first year monthly reports!
Thursday, September 03, 2009
New School Year Kick Off!
So it is offical, the 2009/2010 school year is in full gear! The kids were up at 6:45 (on their own) this a.m. and SO excited to start the day! I put everyone down by 9 last night and Evan went down at 8! We are off to a good start and I'm hoping to keep it that way!
Erik is entering 2nd grade today and Krista will be in 5th grade. This was the LAST "First Day" that she'll have in this school! I can't believe that! It seems like yesterday she was in her first day of Elementary school there!
It was great to see all the parents and kids this morning. We arrived at school before the gate opened and then I stayed until the bell rang and the kids went inside the building. Today they were allowed to socialize and parents were welcomed into the courtyard. The only year where parents are allowed in the school building is for the first year (CP).
I am so happy the kids are so looking forward to starting off a new year! They were both chanting last night "We can't wait for homework!!! We can't wait for homework!".. I had to get the video camera out for that because I'm sure they'll be chanting the opposite in 5 years time (but hopefully not!).
I LOVED my morning with Kaitlyn and Evan today. I'm feeling very happy about the fresh new start! I got a lot done this a.m. since Evan took a nice big morning nap from 9:30 to 11:30. I even had time to make a onetruemedia video!
When I picked the kids up from lunch they were THRILLED! Both had wonderful mornings. Krista just loves her new teacher (this is the 1st year the teacher has been at our school) and Erik has one of Krista's favorite teachers from when she was in 3rd grade. We lucked out big time. SO happy that they are content! We had black bean burritos for lunch (Erik's favorite food in the world) and I just sent them back for the afternoon. Evan is doing his afternoon nap now and I'm just praying that this rhythm will continue!!!!
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
More summer fun pics and school happenings...
Here are some more pictures I posted this week on Facebook...
Just copy/paste or click link to view...
Facebook Photos: South Haven 2009
I wanted to include them in the blog as well. These are from our week in South Haven. That was by far the highlight of our summer trip. On the morning of August 8th we had Evan's Baptism at Notre Dame. Following the Baptismal celebration we had a reception brunch, and then headed off for our week vacation at Lake Michigan. The first night in South Haven (after the Baptism) we had Angie (step sister) and her family: 1 year old daughter, husband and step-son aged 9; my other step sister Natalie, Jan, Dad, Tommy, Mike and Lia and our family of 6...for a grand total of 16 people under one roof!!! The house sleeps about 14 comfortably so this was a bit of a stretch but with the willing couch sleepers we were golden! My Mom also came up for 3 nights which was so fun. I really live for these family weeks. It is always so wonderful to relax with family, laugh and talk. I have many more photos which I will be doing little by little as time permits. A lot are from our time in South Haven.
Tomorrow the kids start school! I'm really excited to get back into the school year routine again. It always feels so good to be back on our schedules. I love summer but it has to come to an end...and with it the anticipation of a fresh new school year! Erik and Kaitlyn start tomorrow and then Kaitlyn starts French public school on Monday. I was thinking it was Friday but I realized they were staggering the 1st year children. Next week she only will go on Monday and Tuesday. The following week will be a full week. The "Ecole Maternelle" is really an obligation here in France. It is almost the eqivalent of Kindergarten in the that everyone goes. I am a bit anxious about the start because it will really be a HUGE transition for Kaitlyn to go from being at home all day to being at school all day! She starts at 8 and goes to 11:30...comes home with the big kids, eats lunch and returns at 1:35 until 4:00. We are a bilingual family at home, and this year we will introduce Kaitlyn to her 3rd language. It always comes as a bit of a shock to the kids when they start French school. Everyone assumes they speak French since they were born here, but they don't really learn anything substantial until school begins at age 3 and they are forced to function in the language. I know by this time next year she will be fluent, but it is always so much to ask of a child when you throw them into a new culture....that coupled with the separation anxiety from their Mother. I really pray it will be okay....any other prayers are welcome!!!!
Just copy/paste or click link to view...
Facebook Photos: South Haven 2009
I wanted to include them in the blog as well. These are from our week in South Haven. That was by far the highlight of our summer trip. On the morning of August 8th we had Evan's Baptism at Notre Dame. Following the Baptismal celebration we had a reception brunch, and then headed off for our week vacation at Lake Michigan. The first night in South Haven (after the Baptism) we had Angie (step sister) and her family: 1 year old daughter, husband and step-son aged 9; my other step sister Natalie, Jan, Dad, Tommy, Mike and Lia and our family of 6...for a grand total of 16 people under one roof!!! The house sleeps about 14 comfortably so this was a bit of a stretch but with the willing couch sleepers we were golden! My Mom also came up for 3 nights which was so fun. I really live for these family weeks. It is always so wonderful to relax with family, laugh and talk. I have many more photos which I will be doing little by little as time permits. A lot are from our time in South Haven.
Tomorrow the kids start school! I'm really excited to get back into the school year routine again. It always feels so good to be back on our schedules. I love summer but it has to come to an end...and with it the anticipation of a fresh new school year! Erik and Kaitlyn start tomorrow and then Kaitlyn starts French public school on Monday. I was thinking it was Friday but I realized they were staggering the 1st year children. Next week she only will go on Monday and Tuesday. The following week will be a full week. The "Ecole Maternelle" is really an obligation here in France. It is almost the eqivalent of Kindergarten in the that everyone goes. I am a bit anxious about the start because it will really be a HUGE transition for Kaitlyn to go from being at home all day to being at school all day! She starts at 8 and goes to 11:30...comes home with the big kids, eats lunch and returns at 1:35 until 4:00. We are a bilingual family at home, and this year we will introduce Kaitlyn to her 3rd language. It always comes as a bit of a shock to the kids when they start French school. Everyone assumes they speak French since they were born here, but they don't really learn anything substantial until school begins at age 3 and they are forced to function in the language. I know by this time next year she will be fluent, but it is always so much to ask of a child when you throw them into a new culture....that coupled with the separation anxiety from their Mother. I really pray it will be okay....any other prayers are welcome!!!!
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