Thursday, September 03, 2009

New School Year Kick Off!

So it is offical, the 2009/2010 school year is in full gear! The kids were up at 6:45 (on their own) this a.m. and SO excited to start the day! I put everyone down by 9 last night and Evan went down at 8! We are off to a good start and I'm hoping to keep it that way!

Erik is entering 2nd grade today and Krista will be in 5th grade. This was the LAST "First Day" that she'll have in this school! I can't believe that! It seems like yesterday she was in her first day of Elementary school there!

It was great to see all the parents and kids this morning. We arrived at school before the gate opened and then I stayed until the bell rang and the kids went inside the building. Today they were allowed to socialize and parents were welcomed into the courtyard. The only year where parents are allowed in the school building is for the first year (CP).

I am so happy the kids are so looking forward to starting off a new year! They were both chanting last night "We can't wait for homework!!! We can't wait for homework!".. I had to get the video camera out for that because I'm sure they'll be chanting the opposite in 5 years time (but hopefully not!).

I LOVED my morning with Kaitlyn and Evan today. I'm feeling very happy about the fresh new start! I got a lot done this a.m. since Evan took a nice big morning nap from 9:30 to 11:30. I even had time to make a onetruemedia video!

When I picked the kids up from lunch they were THRILLED! Both had wonderful mornings. Krista just loves her new teacher (this is the 1st year the teacher has been at our school) and Erik has one of Krista's favorite teachers from when she was in 3rd grade. We lucked out big time. SO happy that they are content! We had black bean burritos for lunch (Erik's favorite food in the world) and I just sent them back for the afternoon. Evan is doing his afternoon nap now and I'm just praying that this rhythm will continue!!!!

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