Wednesday, September 02, 2009

More summer fun pics and school happenings...

Here are some more pictures I posted this week on Facebook...
Just copy/paste or click link to view...

Facebook Photos: South Haven 2009

I wanted to include them in the blog as well. These are from our week in South Haven. That was by far the highlight of our summer trip. On the morning of August 8th we had Evan's Baptism at Notre Dame. Following the Baptismal celebration we had a reception brunch, and then headed off for our week vacation at Lake Michigan. The first night in South Haven (after the Baptism) we had Angie (step sister) and her family: 1 year old daughter, husband and step-son aged 9; my other step sister Natalie, Jan, Dad, Tommy, Mike and Lia and our family of 6...for a grand total of 16 people under one roof!!! The house sleeps about 14 comfortably so this was a bit of a stretch but with the willing couch sleepers we were golden! My Mom also came up for 3 nights which was so fun. I really live for these family weeks. It is always so wonderful to relax with family, laugh and talk. I have many more photos which I will be doing little by little as time permits. A lot are from our time in South Haven.

Tomorrow the kids start school! I'm really excited to get back into the school year routine again. It always feels so good to be back on our schedules. I love summer but it has to come to an end...and with it the anticipation of a fresh new school year! Erik and Kaitlyn start tomorrow and then Kaitlyn starts French public school on Monday. I was thinking it was Friday but I realized they were staggering the 1st year children. Next week she only will go on Monday and Tuesday. The following week will be a full week. The "Ecole Maternelle" is really an obligation here in France. It is almost the eqivalent of Kindergarten in the that everyone goes. I am a bit anxious about the start because it will really be a HUGE transition for Kaitlyn to go from being at home all day to being at school all day! She starts at 8 and goes to 11:30...comes home with the big kids, eats lunch and returns at 1:35 until 4:00. We are a bilingual family at home, and this year we will introduce Kaitlyn to her 3rd language. It always comes as a bit of a shock to the kids when they start French school. Everyone assumes they speak French since they were born here, but they don't really learn anything substantial until school begins at age 3 and they are forced to function in the language. I know by this time next year she will be fluent, but it is always so much to ask of a child when you throw them into a new culture....that coupled with the separation anxiety from their Mother. I really pray it will be okay....any other prayers are welcome!!!!

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