Monday, September 07, 2009

Kaitlyn's FIRST day at school!

Kaitlyn is an official student in the French system as of 8 o'clock this a.m! She was so proud this morning to put on her backpack with the big kids! She kept telling me that is was such a special day for her...and that she is finally big enough to go to school. She said "It is going to be a GREAT day for me today, Mommy!" So with that positive attitude we headed off for school. The first few minutes were wonderful, we hung up her backpack on the hook with her first name, put on her in-school slippers and entered the classroom to meet her teacher (who is also the director of the school). Kaitlyn had an orientation back in June so she remembered her room and was excited to play in the activity centers. Erik was in this same school the year before last year, so she may still have some vague recollections from this building. For me it is a very comfortable place. I've already passed 6 years inside this building with Krista and Erik. I started with Krista in this school back in 2002 and was there until 2008...with only a one year break last year. Now it starts up again for the NEXT 6 years with both Kaitlyn and Evan combined! It is a 2nd home to me.

So, everything went fairly well for the first 15 minutes. I talked with her teacher and the assistant, and the good news is that the assistant actually speaks some Enlgish. I think for Kaitlyn things will be rough for a short spell. She has never been away from me, and to top things off she also doesn't even know French (at all)! That combined with being a strong-willed little girl and things are going to be hard for her. Thankfully the teacher's assistant speaks some English. I pray that this will be of comfort to her. After about 20 minutes, I said goodbye and left the room. She was brave and stayed in her play corner (the beauty salon corner). I peeked in through the hallway window, which was the big mistake. She was standing on a chair trying to look out at me! I signaled for her to sit down and that is when she melted. I marched out the door and am currently waiting pick-up in 1 hour! I will post with the full report later.

It is exciting to have her in the French system, despite it being a difficult morning. I honestly think she is ready for this change! It will be hard, but has to be done. I just can't believe that she is already big enough to be in school! It seems like just yesterday I was writing out her first year monthly reports!


4 in 4 said...

Great picutres Kelly. Hopefully you both will have a better day tomorrow. Gabriel's first day is tomorrow, but goes only 3 days a week for 2.5 hours a day and it will be hard for me to part with him for that long. It's hard to believe our babies are big enough to be in school. It was just yesterday when we were pregnant with them, right?

Francemama said...

I know, it is SO hard to believe! Good luck to Gabriel tomorrow!!! Kaitlyn goes the full French school week which is 4 days- Mon, Tues, Thurs and Friday. French schools are closed on Wednesdays. As of last year they ended Saturday morning school, so it is truly a 4 day week now. She starts at 8 and goes until 11:35 (in total 3.5 hrs 4x / week). I decided NOT to send her for the afternoon as she has started napping again and afternoons are optional this year. Next year she will go all day 8-4 with a 2 hour lunch break at home. I really hope tomorrow goes well with all THIRTY (yes 3-0) kids there! Can't wait to hear G's report too.