Monday, September 21, 2009

Soliciting Votes to win a Portrait Shoot!

We decided to enter a few photos into a local photo contest so that we might win a free portrait shoot by a very well known Parisian photography studio!

You can help us win be voting for each of the kids... Just click on the links below and then click on the voting box (a 10 would be WONDERFUL). Once you click the voting box you need to confirm your email address. Once you check your email and confirm the address you can go back and vote for real! You can vote once every day (until October I believe). So definately keep the kids in mind!! 10's regularly would really increase our chances of winning this portrait package....AND YOU ALL KNOW how much I love my pictures!

The links will be posted in the most recent blog entry! :)

A BIG THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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