Krista with the Ribbon

The "tests" were VERY long. The girls arrived at 3:30 and the competition didn't end until nearly 6:45! It was a long afternoon. Bascially the competition consisted of each gymnist standing in front of a table of two judges and performing the requested movements. They used the hoop, the ball, ribbons and the batons. There were about 4 judging tables and they proceeded from table to table when their name was called to perform. After they performed each skill, there were fitness evaluations as well. There was a long jump, a 25 meter sprint, and flexibility tests. The girls were graded on a scale of points. There are 3 competitions throughout the year: inter-club competition, departmental and regional. The points obtained from this competition will go towards the overall point total for the season.
Krista received 106 points for the day..which put her in 3rd place.
She was only one point behind second place (one of her best friend Oceanne who received 107 points). The first place gymnist had a total of 111 points. Krista did a super job and I was very proud to see her perform! She has learned SO much in the 4 short months that she has been part of this team. I must add that this team is very well known in France. The coaches have amazing dedication and are very talented. They really give their hearts to the team and it shows. Last year the older girls won the National title for France!

This is really the first time Krista has performed on a team. She has been involved in both ballet and tap dance for several years, but has never had a formal competition! I was very proud of her!