Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Sippy Cup and a cookie!

Eight months has been full of fun for Kaitlyn! She's learning to scoot across the room now. She bounces up and down while sitting, and then inches her way forward. It is a riot! Sometimes she gets over-excited and bounces up and down and then lunges forward and falls FLAT on her face. She was doing this last night on our bed. It will be a painful experience if she decides to do it on our floors! I'll have to get a video of her scooting..It is really cute!

She has been very vocal these last two weeks and says ba ba, ma ma and ema and other combinations. Since she's been acting like quite the big girl lately, I decided to give the sippy cup a try! It wasn't an instand success, but at least she did get the idea down and tried it. I put some Evian in the cup, but you would never have guessed that it was just water from the expression she made. Toomas even asked me.."Did you put something bitter in there"? She made the worst face!

And finally, yesterday while grocery shopping Kaitlyn was being so good for me that I decided to buy her a treat. When I was in the baby section of the store I noticed some tasty looking organic teethng buiscuits (okay, lets just call them cookies! Which is actually what they are!). Well, that was the biggest hit yet!!! The child got the idea down in about 20 seconds... and the cookie was gone in about 2 minutes flat! She just loved it! She gave me the biggest "THANK YOU MOM" look that I've ever seen an 8 month old give! :) Let's face it ...I just love spoiling kids :)


Lauren said...

I just love the first sippy cup photo! What a classic!

4 in 4 said...

At least she tried her sippy cup. Gabriel is so lazy, he won't even attempt to pick it up or give himself a drink. He will only drink if I hold it for him! Typical man! Great photos!