Monday, January 22, 2007

Kids Project Time

All I have to say is that life with three active kids doesn't leave much time for the computer! THAT, and I've been dedicated to "kids-projects" this last week. I have been MEANING to get my DV collection onto DVD (since August!). Poor Grandma hasn't even seen the video of her trip to visit. If you know me then you know that my video camera receives very little downtime. So a backlog since August spells TROULBE! I don't think my video camera (or still camera for that matter) have EVER been "put away" since they were purchased.

So, I have been busy getting my DVD's burned--I think I've only done 6 though. It takes about 5 hours per tape! A LONG process, but very worth it. At the moment the kids favorite videos to watch are homevideos of themselves! The downside of all of this DVD making is that I can't use my computer when I'm creating a DVD. So all of this "computer freedom" has given me a lot of time to do OTHER kids projects: including updating both Krista and Erik's baby books and school year books! I was sort of sad to realize that Krista is now officially FINISHED with her baby book. It covered birth to 7 years and so this is it! Erik and Kaitlyn's only go to 5 years so Erik will wrap his up next year! And today I FINALLY completed a project that I have been meaning to do for MONTHS! I took Kaitlyn's hand-mold when she was a wee newborn (2 weeks old) and just this weekend FINALLY poured the plaster into the cast! Krista and I painted it today and it is precious. Krista said it is our neatest craft yet! We've also done "footprints in the sand" molds of Kaitlyn when she was itsy-bitsy and full hand and foot castings (done at a week and a half). We are experts now at this baby memento business! It was really fun to complete and see...and just a few hours ago we hung it in her room. I put a little ribbon through it and it is just so sweet to see how TEENY TINY her hand was back then! This was a neat set--you can keep the "mother mold" and make as many as you wish. I love it! When I hold her baby hand cast it is amazing to think she was THAT small! We are nearing her 9 month birthday now...WHERE does the time go?!

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