Monday, January 15, 2007

8 Month Exam

Today we went to the pediatrician's for our "9 month" exam (a few weeks early). Kaitlyn didn't get any shots today thankfully! We're all finished with those until her first birthday. Today was a quick growth and development check-up as well as a control for her right ear (which has now had 2 infections). Doc said the ear is healing and looks fine now. He didn't know if this will be a recurring problem for her or is just an isolated event. We'll see on that one. We're praying that ear infections aren't her weakness!

So, all in all she looks great! The doc said she was growing very well and seemed like a very happy and friendly baby (which she is!). She weighed in at 8900 grams which is 19 1/2 pounds and was 69 cm long (a bit over 27 inches). Hard to believe she has grown 1/2 a FOOT since birth and gained 12 pounds! Not bad in only 8 months.

As far as development goes she is sitting very well....and scooting even! She can get around by either sitting and scooting forwards or lying on her back and arching her back and inching forward. In otherwords...She ISN'T very mobile yet! Which isn't a bad thing for me, because my house is not ready for a toddler (or even crawler) yet. She's getting there though and is starting to develop the "desire" to get a toy that is a foot away. She's been on her knees a few times but doesn't know what to do when she is up.

We are thankful for our healthy baby who continues to thrive and develop! She is the light of our lives (one of the 3 lights, that is!).

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

What a relief that she is doing well. Hope those ear infections and other illnesses clear up and STAY AWAY! Poor baby.