Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Daddy's Little Girl

Kaitlyn is a Daddy's little girl for sure!! (She's a Mommy's girl too, but of course she sees me ALL day long and I'm pretty boring come the end of the day.). When Daddy walks in the door after work, she just shines. He always takes her up to Erik's room and they play on Erik's bed. He gets out all the "regular" toys and lets her play with those! Mommy only lets Kaitlyn play with the Certified 0-3 years lot! The toys that they usually play with are musical instruments and both Erik and Kaitlyn just LOVE them!!! Kaitlyn loves playing the drum and also shaking the bells and shakers. Krista is usually downstairs with me in the kitchen while all this racket is going on upstairs. Here's a photo of Kaitlyn when Toomas walked through the door a few nights ago and put his hat on her! Erik found a Christmas ribbon for around her neck! LOL! She is one happy little munchkin with such a wonderful Dad! :)

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

Too cute, Kelly! Love the photo! That's great that Toomas gets home in time to see and play with the kids at night too!