Friday, January 26, 2007

Snowy Days!

We got our first snow this week! You can see Krista and Erik standing in our backyard--although you can't see much of it under all that snow! It sure is pretty to look out from the family room and see the snow, the forest and fields behind. We (like many) have had a wonderfully mild winter so far. Now we are in the thick of winter though--with a good 6-8 inches underfoot. The kids are loving it! Erik had a blast making snow angels and was in and out all day on Wednesday (their day off from school). He went to his baby-gym class on Wednesday morning, but it was cancelled due to weather. He was SO excited to come home and play in the snow--he just couldn't get enough of it! I caught him about a dozen times eating the snow. Krista loved it too and was helping all the neighbors get the snow off their cars. We are lucky to have a wonderfully warm 2 car garage. NO scraping the cars this year. Last year in the rental house we had room in the garage for only one car and it was no fun in the mornings! I am fully appreciating these 2 garages right now. Who knows how long the snow will last. It has been cold for a good part of the week, but I've heard it won't last for long. Anyway it's snowy for now and brrrh is it ever cold out there!

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