Thursday, February 05, 2009

From 3 kids to 4!

Evan in the same receiving blanket that I came home from the hospital in 35 years ago!!!

First of all HAPPY 3rd week birthday to Evan!!! He's only 3 weeks but it still seems SO strange to see pictures of the 3 kids together (pre-Evan days)...I can't imagine our family any other way now!!! It is as if he was destined to be a part of our family from the very beginning. It just seems so very natural to see the 4 of them now.. It is so neat!

I'm also so surprised and touched by how much everyone LOVES their little brother. I was SO worried that Kaitlyn wouldn't like him or would be jealous of him, but she just ADORES him! When he is nursing she asks to pet his "fuzzies" his soft hair and she is ever so gentle with him. And everytime I walk by with him in my arms and show him to her, she proclaims "Awww,,I LOVE HIM!"... She must say that 20 times a day! WHENEVER she sees him she just yells that out! It is SO precious!

I will say though... that bedtimes have been troubling these days to say the least. The big kids going down only at 10 p.m.!!! Other than that, there has been little difficulty in adjusting to their new little brother. Me on the other hand, nursing VERY often and having very little free time, it has been a BIG transition, but I wouldn't change my life for the world. He is SUCH a good baby and I know that for a newborn he is as easy as it gets!

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