Wednesday, February 11, 2009

More weight/height stats for the littles..

Here is a brief update on our 2 littlest family members....As mentioned in the previous post, we had our apppointment on Monday with the pediatrician. Of course the big news was Evan's whopping TWO pound weight (1 kg) gain in 3 weeks...He was 4,450 grams and was 55 cm tall. Interestingly he is only NOW at 3.5 weeks reaching Erik's birth height! Erik was one tall little dude for sure!! Anyway, he checked out beautifully and we really didn't have much to discuss with the doctor. The next exam will be when Evan starts his shots in a month's time..

Little Kaitlyn also saw our beloved doctor as well. She weighed in at 13,1 kg or 28 pounds (exactly 50%ile) and was 92 cm or 36 1/4 inches tall. Developmentally she is right on target, doing everything a nearly 3 year old should. The only issues we had to discuss with him was about her eating (or lack of). She just doesn't eat the way I'd like her to! If she had a choice she would live on goat cheese, cucumber and milk. Hopefully she will decide to eat a bit more balanced in the coming months because I'm sick of her dairy obsession (goat cheese, camembert, yogurt, milk, blue cheese, cottage cheese, cream cheese!!). For now the doctor reassured us her growth is PERFECT! He showed us his computer screen with her weight gain stats from birth. It was so wild to see. She has remained on the 50% percentile EXACTLY since BIRTH! There was one exam at 12 months when she dipped down into about the 40% but she has stayed RIGHT on track the whole way. The little red dots on the chart were EXACTLY on the line for all of these months! Pretty darn amazing to see that it has remained so precise the last 3 years.

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