Friday, February 06, 2009

My Inspiration

I'm into taking pictures these days...and not just snapshots! I'm talking backdrops and proper lighting...the works! I'm having SO much fun with my new little subject. HE IS MY INSPIRATION!!!! I seriously missed the boat on career choices. I wish I had of known I'd love taking photos of newborns! It was only upon having 1 (or 4 of them) that I realized my true passion in this world. I will periodically be putting up my favorites...*but WARNING I have too many! I really detested and RESISTED photography going digital a few years ago, until I realized it meant ENDLESS shooting opportunities for me (and 3 terabyte hard drives!!)

Evan is doing great...He's such a nice little boy so far. I PRAY it stays this way. Having a newborn like Krista would NOT be possible for me, so I feel like I lucked out in that department. He rarely cries or fusses unless he wants to eat. Usually he is waking 2x at night. Going about 3.5 or 4.5 hours a stretch. Last night he had a 4 1/2 hour stretch and I was up WAITING for him! During the day he eats a lot more frequently but I am so happy about that. As long as he sleeps at night all is well!!! Monday we have an appointment (our first) with the pediatrician. I'll be sure to update with his stats.

Today Toomas went back to work! I'm offically SOLO! It went very smoothly this a.m. too so lets just hope it continues as such. I tell you, we are completely spoiled with the French social system here. I mean TWO full work weeks for the Dad...I think that is awesome!!! He took 5 vacation days of his own to boot, so it was wonderful. We were both really able to enjoy our time with our little newborn Evan.

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