Wednesday, February 11, 2009

HOLY weight GAIN BATMAN!!!! (Over 2 pounds!!!! Not ME thankfully)

Yesterday we had our pediatrician's appointment for both Kaitlyn and Evan....and well the results are really incredible.

EVAN GAINED OVER TWO pounds in 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I think my breastmilk is really breastcream!!! When he left the hospital he was 3.500 grams (he dropped the full 10% as can often happen). AND I'm happy to say that 3 weeks later...he is a WHOPPING 4.500 grams! The boy gained a KILO in 3 weeks! In US terms this is going from 7 pounds 11 oz to 9 pounds 15 oz!! I'm beyond thrilled for this because I have really been irritated by his latch issues. He is STILL making that loud clicking sound when he nurses. He doesn't appear to be breaking the seal and according to the lactation consultant he is positioned perfectly (this IS my 4th breastfed child so I'm pretty sure I know about positioning. And Erik nursed for 35 months!!). It is just hard for me because he makes SO much noise when he nurses and sometimes he struggles to swallow and coughs and gags so perhaps a forceful letdown is indeed causing this. The other kids never had issues keeping up with the flow so this is new to me.

I'll be back to update Kaitlyn's stats. Just wanted to get this newsflash out.

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