Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines Day and Happenings...

Things are busy to say the least but VERY VERY good!! Valentines was really fun, Toomas got the kids some small gifts, and we got 2 packages in the mail so the littles were thoroughly spoiled :). I received a special gift from Toomas too.. A very beautiful potted, flowering plant on the anniversary of Evan's 1 month birthday (to commemorate his birth). Every child has been given some sort of a plant for their birth and it is a beautiful reminder each time I water it, of their newborn days. So now I have a special plant for Evan too! I love it! The kids had fun opening their packages too.... One package was from Grandma and one was from Grandpa, Jan and Tommy. THANKS everybody and a HAPPY Valentines Day to you too!! The kids really had a special day. PLUS it snowed on Valentines day so they all got to go out (minus Evan) and make a snowman. Yesterday Krista had a gymnastics meet as well and I took Evan along. Everyone at the meet cooed and googled over him and I enjoyed showing him off. I'll do a little update soon on his 1 month old birthday as well. It was a LONG afternoon at the gym, but Evan was very well behaved! I even was able to film Krista and her partner in their first duo performance. Thankfully this is still the beginning of the season because the routine still needs some work, but they had fun and looked AMAZING in their new leotards. Their coach hand-made a good portion of their outfits. I'll post a photo of that soon too.

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