Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Appointment with the Lacation Consultant

Yesterday we had an appoitnment with the lactation consultant at the clinic where I delivered. She was the one that saw us for the 10 day old appointment the week before. I called her this week because Evan's latch seems to be incorrect...he is making an enormous amount of noise when he eats and this translates into a lot of burping and spitting up. I also wanted to make sure the latch is correct because this is such an imporant element in breastfeeding.

The first thing she did was to weigh him in. To my delight he had gained 12 oz in only ONE week! He went from 3800 grams to 4150 in only 7 days! This is 50 grams a day---TWICE more than what is expected to gain! This was comforting, but the fact still remains that he is latching improperly...or so I thought. The lactation consultant after seeing us nurse, believed it was more of a forceful letdown reflex issue, and that he is struggling to drink so quickly. She belives that with time he will grow and adjust better to the fast flow of milk. For now I just have to keep my burp cloths handy because he is a SPITTER and a burper! Today we had a big spit-up and more milk came out than I ever could of imagined him drinking at this young age. He's a little "gourmand" as the French would say!!

So I'm happy to report that little Evan is growing beautifully and although there are some issues, the essential element is working and he is growing nicely! In a matter of weeks the latching issues and milk flow issues will be all behind us!

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