Here it is! The montage I created for Krista's trainer Iza, who is leaving our club. I hope she likes it! I sent her the one with a different beginning and I like this one better so I'll post this one for all of you to see. I worked really hard on this, staying up until 2 a few nights...It stinks being a perfectionist! :)
So without further ado...Krista's 2008-2009 Rhythmic Gymnastics Season. A dedication to Iza.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Whirlwind of a weekend
WHAT A WEEKEND. I think this was the busiest, most draining of weekends that we've had in a long time! Friday of course was Krista's 10th birthday. We went all out and made it a very special day for her. I was also busy baking cakes for her school party Thursday night... She said it was her best birthday ever so it was a sucess :) On Saturday, she had her First Communion rehearsal during the day, and in the evening she had a gymnastics/music school show. It was really neat and I'll be posting pictures of that soon. We arrived for the show at 7 and left at 10:15, so it was very tiring. Then, on Sunday bright and early we were up getting ready for Krista's BIG day. It isn't easy getting everyone into dress clothes and out the door, fed, and happy, but we managed! I can't believe that she already has celebrated her First Holy Communion. I'm anxious to share photos of that very special day (SOON!). It was a very memorable day for sure! It was also Father's Day so we celebrated Daddy in the afternoon and went out to dinner last night to celebrate both the First Communion and Father's Day. Wheeew, I'm tired just writing about all the activities! Evan was an ANGEL for all of the events! On Friday he got his SECOND TOOTH! I'll post that too and so he was in complete peace again---back to his old, calm self. It was perfect timing because we really needed him to be good for both 3 hour gym show and also the ceremony in the church!!!! And that he was....a TOTAL dream baby! He's back to sleeping again at night and napping well in the day. Those little teeth sure caused him a lot of pain. I guess we are homefree now until the uppers start hurting. I think we have at least 6 or 7 weeks before that will happen. Anyway, all in all it was a WONDERFUL and MEMORABLE weekend with LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of photos and video. I was one busy Mom trying to capture all the moments---10th Birthday, Gymnastics Show, First Communion, 2nd Tooth, Father's Day--what a weekend! PICTURES to come!!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Krista is TEN years old today!

10 Years of happiness...
40 Seasons of wonder...
120 Months of fun and laughs...
3653 Days of growth and discovery....
Is this really possible? A decade of motherhood to Krista? "Just" 10 years ago I was on the verge of a change of a lifetime. I would soon be a mother to my first child, and life would never be the same.
On that sunny morning of June 19th 1999, I had NO idea how my life was about to change...and what these last 10 years would bring me. I hadn't the faintest idea what beautiful treasures were in store for me, what fortune I would behold. My oh my, how 10 years can change things. I now have FOUR beautiful, gorgeous, precious children and two whole handfuls of years of experience as a Mom!!!
Krista Marie is TEN today. I am so proud to be her Mom!! She is such an amazing individual and this post won't nearly do her justice, but I just wanted her to know how PROUD I am to be her Mom and what an amazing girl I think she has turned out to be!
I am always amazed with Krista. She seems to learn everything with ease. She definately has a knack for learning and growing and such a strong desire to achieve. She is an amazing "straight A" student, in a country that isn't even her "mother" tongue, she is a fabulous rhythmic gymnast...a beautiful ballerina, a classy tap dancer, a budding author and a genuine ARTIST!!! Her drawings and stories are entrancing! She has such a sense of fashion and style too, a really "cool" little chicky. I think everyone will agree that being around Krisa is fun...she is a comedian, has a wonderful smile and laugh, a witty personality and is just generally a GREAT kid to be around!
So today is my day to shine the limelight on Krista, and actually this whole weekend as Krista's gymnastics evening and First Holy Communion are this weekend too, so there will be a lot on Krista to come.
I LOVE YOU KRISTA and HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY 10th Birthday to you!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Krista has BRACES!!!
Look at this! Krista got her braces on today. Doesn't she look SO much older. I love the before and after shot of the series :) I COMPLETELY remember that stage of my life. It is so strange to have a child that is the age that I remember so clearly.
She was really happy right after she got them on, but now the pain is setting in so she isn't so happy. Poor Krista! She got a little kit with interdental cleaners, wax and other goodies. I remember loving those kits.
She chose purple braces (see photo). She has the option of changing the color every 6weeks at her appointments. Right now it looks like she'll have them on for a year to a year and a half depending on how things move. She has 6 braces across the top and a fixed wire retainer on the bottom. She is just miserable now with the pain, but I gave her tylenol a few minutes ago so hopefully she will be able to eat soon. Right now she can't bite down at all.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Fifth's Disease
Looks like we have a case of Fifth's disease on our hands! We went to the doctor on Saturday and he said that is most likely the culprit, but there are also other viruses that look similar and it is hard to tell exactly which virus without a blood titer (not necessary)! She is fine and the rash is clearing up but I've noticed I also have a fine rash on my arms and chest. Lets hope the breastfeeding protects little baby Evan! I know for a fact that I was negative for Fifth's Disease (parovirus 19) since I had my titers checked before my pregnancy with Kaitlyn. Looks like I've finally caught it and THANKFULLY it wasn't during my pregnancy with Evan. This time last year I was only about 8 weeks pregnant so that would have been BAD! I'm just glad it is this year and not last year. Hopefully the others won't get the face rash because we have Krista's First Communion on Sunday! We have her gorgeous dress ready and waiting and it would be so much nicer without a nasty viral rash!
I'll update later with the report from Krista's Orthodontal appointment tonight. She gets her braces on today and tomorrow. I'm excited for her! I remember that stage of my life like it was yesterday. It is sort of fun to be the Mom now and not the
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Evan's 4th Month Update
All four snuggled in our bed!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
FUN times screaming!
I'll get pics up for yesterdays post soon...but I just didn't want to forget this video that I upload a few weeks ago. It was when Evan learned about his "screaming voice"..He loves to scream, but in a nice way! So much fun to make noise like the big kids can do! Enjoy!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Teething Time for Evan!
Yesterday he had his well baby visit and I complained to the doctor about his difficulty in nursing, coupled with wanting to be held constantly when awake and putting BOTH hands in his mouth (and constant drooling). The doctor said it was highly unlikely that it was teeth yet. WRONG. Bottom lower right incisor is on its way today!! I'm glad that he'll soon be out of pain (once the other one goes), but a little worried about how difficult he is going to be in getting teeth. Maybe it will just be these 2 that pose the problem and then he'll get used to the pain of teething. Wishful thinking I'm sure! I think some kids are just better teethers than others. This little sweetie just doesn't like the pain. I still can't believe he is getting his first teeth already. HE WAS JUST BORN!! WOW. On the stats yesterday..he weighed in at 8,560 grams and was 67 cm tall. This puts him nearly off the charts on weight...maybe in the 99% percentile or possibly even slightly over... (hooray for Mother's Milk!) and he was about 80% for height. These are based on French standards for a 4 month and 3 week old. The doc was impressed with his strength and development. He was amazed how well Evan could sit and stand already. He LOVES standing and can honestly hold his weight for a few seconds...and as previously posted, that is a good bit of weight! He's more than doubled his birthweight. I'm just amazed that he can keep up this rate while sleeping so long at night. 8.5 hours without nursing is the norm these days and has been for a few months. I was sure he'd slow down his weight gain once he started sleeping through the night but this is not happening. I'm sure it will taper off soon...especially as he is getting more and more active. Next appointment is in 2 months (hooray no shots) and the doc said we could start toying with food at around 6 or 6.5 months. With Erik I didn't start until he was 7 months. I can tell Evan is INTERESTED in food. He is always watching us eat and opens and closes his mouth when he sees us eat. I think we'll give some fruits and veggies a go once we are in the USA this summer. So that is the update on our little boy. Fussy teething times, but all is well. :)
Toomas' Birthday!!!
Today we celebrated the BEST Dad in the world's birthday!!! We had a pizza party (of course!) and some YUMMY French strawberry cream cake. We decorated the room for Toomas this afternoon so he had a nice surprise when he got home from work. We opened presents including the small crafts that the kids and I worked on this weekend. All in all it was a hit!! Wishing Toomas the absolute BEST year ahead :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY!
Monday, June 08, 2009
Krista's 10th Birthday Party!!
The plan for the upcoming fun this month: June 10th, Toomas' birthday, June 19th- Krista's REAL 10th Birthday, June 20th Krista's end of the year Gymnastics party and show, June 21st Krista's First Communion, June 27th Krista's Mini-Golf party!!! WOW, fun times ahead...Tomorrow Evan goes in for his 3rd round of vaccines (NO FUN!) I'll update his stats tomorrow. So much has been going on but I HAVE been taking pictures and making mental blogs! I'm sure you'll be in for a swarm of upcoming posts soon (including Mother's Day yesterday. We only celebrate the French one now so it was my big day!)
Here are the shots of the birthday party fun! Enjoy :)
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