Friday, June 19, 2009

Krista is TEN years old today!


10 Years of happiness...

40 Seasons of wonder...

120 Months of fun and laughs...

3653 Days of growth and discovery....


Is this really possible? A decade of motherhood to Krista? "Just" 10 years ago I was on the verge of a change of a lifetime. I would soon be a mother to my first child, and life would never be the same.

On that sunny morning of June 19th 1999, I had NO idea how my life was about to change...and what these last 10 years would bring me. I hadn't the faintest idea what beautiful treasures were in store for me, what fortune I would behold. My oh my, how 10 years can change things. I now have FOUR beautiful, gorgeous, precious children and two whole handfuls of years of experience as a Mom!!!

Krista Marie is TEN today. I am so proud to be her Mom!! She is such an amazing individual and this post won't nearly do her justice, but I just wanted her to know how PROUD I am to be her Mom and what an amazing girl I think she has turned out to be!

I am always amazed with Krista. She seems to learn everything with ease. She definately has a knack for learning and growing and such a strong desire to achieve. She is an amazing "straight A" student, in a country that isn't even her "mother" tongue, she is a fabulous rhythmic gymnast...a beautiful ballerina, a classy tap dancer, a budding author and a genuine ARTIST!!! Her drawings and stories are entrancing! She has such a sense of fashion and style too, a really "cool" little chicky. I think everyone will agree that being around Krisa is fun...she is a comedian, has a wonderful smile and laugh, a witty personality and is just generally a GREAT kid to be around!

So today is my day to shine the limelight on Krista, and actually this whole weekend as Krista's gymnastics evening and First Holy Communion are this weekend too, so there will be a lot on Krista to come.

I LOVE YOU KRISTA and HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY 10th Birthday to you!!

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

Wow! 10 Years Old Already!!! Happy tenth birthday, Krista! Have a fun weekend! And Kelly, I can't even believe she was 6 when we met. That is crazy.