Monday, June 22, 2009

Whirlwind of a weekend

WHAT A WEEKEND. I think this was the busiest, most draining of weekends that we've had in a long time! Friday of course was Krista's 10th birthday. We went all out and made it a very special day for her. I was also busy baking cakes for her school party Thursday night... She said it was her best birthday ever so it was a sucess :) On Saturday, she had her First Communion rehearsal during the day, and in the evening she had a gymnastics/music school show. It was really neat and I'll be posting pictures of that soon. We arrived for the show at 7 and left at 10:15, so it was very tiring. Then, on Sunday bright and early we were up getting ready for Krista's BIG day. It isn't easy getting everyone into dress clothes and out the door, fed, and happy, but we managed! I can't believe that she already has celebrated her First Holy Communion. I'm anxious to share photos of that very special day (SOON!). It was a very memorable day for sure! It was also Father's Day so we celebrated Daddy in the afternoon and went out to dinner last night to celebrate both the First Communion and Father's Day. Wheeew, I'm tired just writing about all the activities! Evan was an ANGEL for all of the events! On Friday he got his SECOND TOOTH! I'll post that too and so he was in complete peace again---back to his old, calm self. It was perfect timing because we really needed him to be good for both 3 hour gym show and also the ceremony in the church!!!! And that he was....a TOTAL dream baby! He's back to sleeping again at night and napping well in the day. Those little teeth sure caused him a lot of pain. I guess we are homefree now until the uppers start hurting. I think we have at least 6 or 7 weeks before that will happen. Anyway, all in all it was a WONDERFUL and MEMORABLE weekend with LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of photos and video. I was one busy Mom trying to capture all the moments---10th Birthday, Gymnastics Show, First Communion, 2nd Tooth, Father's Day--what a weekend! PICTURES to come!!!

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