Well, it has now become standard for me to post my updates at the end of each month. I now offically have only 1 day left to get up his 4 month report so I better get cracking! This month has been a busy one. Evan is growing and developing faster than I can even believe. He has changed so much in one month! Of course the big news is his first tooth, which popped out on Toomas birthday. Other big events include rolling both directions--stomach to back and back to stomach. This has only happened once, but I'm sure he'll master it very shortly. Last month he really didn't like spending much time on his stomch at all, but now he is at least willing to play on his tummy for a few minutes. Evan is such a strong little guy. He can stand up already in the exersaucer and spends a few minutes each day standing and playing. He can pass toys from one hand to the other (with ease) and can put anything into his mouth (even very small objects, so we need to be careful). He LOVES sucking his fingers. He used to be a thumb sucker, but this month he has decided that he prefers his right hand middle fingers with his palm facing outwards. It is the cutest thing in the world! Evan is a social little man. He just adores attention and people surrounding him. He is just thrilled when someone talks to him and lights up with beautiful, warm smiles! He really melts my heart with his personality..he is such a loving little one. As for eating, this month Evan has clearly been nursing less. He is so much more interested in the world now and has cut down nursing times due to distraction and teething pain. He is still growing at a fast rate so I'm guessing he has just learned to get the maximum amout of milk in a very short time. The doctor reminded me that the majority of his milk will come in the first 5 minutes of nursing. Sleep this month has been on and off. Some nights will be GREAT---8 or more hours, but the last week has been hard, especially the last 2 nights. He doesn't want to be put down and wakes after only 3-4 hours. I'm assuming it is either the heat (will be 31 C today) or the 2nd bottom tooth on the way. He is drooling like a faucet so it is probabally a combination of both irritating factors. He is still a doll. Just a perfect little guy and I'm enjoying every second of him. He is still sleeping in the bassinet next to our bed but we are weeks away from a change. At 67 cm he is nearly maxing out the cot, and once he can freely roll he will definately need to be in the big crib. On another note, Kaitlyn is still sleeping in her crib. She has no intention of moving and is very very happy in her "cribby". We have tried to con her into her Strawberry Shortcake bed (all neatly set up in her room) but she has taken no interest, except for pretending to sleep there. Looks like I'll soon have one moving into a big crib and one moving out! Changes on the horizon! :)

All four snuggled in our bed!
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