Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Teething Time for Evan!

Yes you read that post correctly. Little tiny Evan Thomas, at only 4 months old has sprouted his first tooth. Erik had his first tooth at 5 months, Kaitlyn I believe was nearly 7 and Krista was 6 months. I'm amazed that he is teething, but NOT surprised. He has been drooling and putting his hands in his mouth for at least 6 weeks now and I knew they were on their way. The poor guy is in SO much pain. I took him to the doctor 2x last week (one was conjuntivitis) and the next time was just because he as SO unbearable and had a clear runny nose. He wants to be held constantly and is nursing just TERRIBLY. Part of it was the nose. I could hear him having a lot of difficulty breathing, but today the nose is almost clear and he is still not nursing for as long as usual. I know that before the teeth sprout there can be a lot of pain and pressure to nurse, so I should have known it was teething pain. Also when I give him tylenol he is able to nurse perfectly about 40 minutes pain is definately the culprit. I was worried about an ear infection but it looks like teething since yesterday the pediatrician said all looks perfect.

Yesterday he had his well baby visit and I complained to the doctor about his difficulty in nursing, coupled with wanting to be held constantly when awake and putting BOTH hands in his mouth (and constant drooling). The doctor said it was highly unlikely that it was teeth yet. WRONG. Bottom lower right incisor is on its way today!! I'm glad that he'll soon be out of pain (once the other one goes), but a little worried about how difficult he is going to be in getting teeth. Maybe it will just be these 2 that pose the problem and then he'll get used to the pain of teething. Wishful thinking I'm sure! I think some kids are just better teethers than others. This little sweetie just doesn't like the pain. I still can't believe he is getting his first teeth already. HE WAS JUST BORN!! WOW. On the stats yesterday..he weighed in at 8,560 grams and was 67 cm tall. This puts him nearly off the charts on weight...maybe in the 99% percentile or possibly even slightly over... (hooray for Mother's Milk!) and he was about 80% for height. These are based on French standards for a 4 month and 3 week old. The doc was impressed with his strength and development. He was amazed how well Evan could sit and stand already. He LOVES standing and can honestly hold his weight for a few seconds...and as previously posted, that is a good bit of weight! He's more than doubled his birthweight. I'm just amazed that he can keep up this rate while sleeping so long at night. 8.5 hours without nursing is the norm these days and has been for a few months. I was sure he'd slow down his weight gain once he started sleeping through the night but this is not happening. I'm sure it will taper off soon...especially as he is getting more and more active. Next appointment is in 2 months (hooray no shots) and the doc said we could start toying with food at around 6 or 6.5 months. With Erik I didn't start until he was 7 months. I can tell Evan is INTERESTED in food. He is always watching us eat and opens and closes his mouth when he sees us eat. I think we'll give some fruits and veggies a go once we are in the USA this summer. So that is the update on our little boy. Fussy teething times, but all is well. :)

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