Monday, June 15, 2009

Fifth's Disease

Looks like we have a case of Fifth's disease on our hands! We went to the doctor on Saturday and he said that is most likely the culprit, but there are also other viruses that look similar and it is hard to tell exactly which virus without a blood titer (not necessary)! She is fine and the rash is clearing up but I've noticed I also have a fine rash on my arms and chest. Lets hope the breastfeeding protects little baby Evan! I know for a fact that I was negative for Fifth's Disease (parovirus 19) since I had my titers checked before my pregnancy with Kaitlyn. Looks like I've finally caught it and THANKFULLY it wasn't during my pregnancy with Evan. This time last year I was only about 8 weeks pregnant so that would have been BAD! I'm just glad it is this year and not last year. Hopefully the others won't get the face rash because we have Krista's First Communion on Sunday! We have her gorgeous dress ready and waiting and it would be so much nicer without a nasty viral rash!
I'll update later with the report from Krista's Orthodontal appointment tonight. She gets her braces on today and tomorrow. I'm excited for her! I remember that stage of my life like it was yesterday. It is sort of fun to be the Mom now and not the patient!

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