Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Krista has BRACES!!!

Look at this! Krista got her braces on today. Doesn't she look SO much older. I love the before and after shot of the series :) I COMPLETELY remember that stage of my life. It is so strange to have a child that is the age that I remember so clearly.

She was really happy right after she got them on, but now the pain is setting in so she isn't so happy. Poor Krista! She got a little kit with interdental cleaners, wax and other goodies. I remember loving those kits.

She chose purple braces (see photo). She has the option of changing the color every 6weeks at her appointments. Right now it looks like she'll have them on for a year to a year and a half depending on how things move. She has 6 braces across the top and a fixed wire retainer on the bottom. She is just miserable now with the pain, but I gave her tylenol a few minutes ago so hopefully she will be able to eat soon. Right now she can't bite down at all.

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