Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More Finished Landscaping Photos

CLICK on picture to enlarge for detail.

Here are a few more photos of the complete project. Can you tell we love it! I'm including a few close ups---the mailbox, the planters etc. I will try to get to a day by day recap..but with Kaitlyn's 3rd birthday coming up this week it will have to wait. We're really looking forward to Thursday! I can't belive Kaitlyn will be THREE. We got a surprise package from a dear friend, Alexandra and her son Gabriel who is Kaitlyn's age. Kaitlyn keeps carrying it around saying it is for "my happy birthday". We're looking forward to opening it on Thursday, Alex!!! She already picked out the menu for her "happy birthday" too. She said "I want to have eatballs on my happy birthday!". We all love when she says "eatballs"...she means meatballs. It is too funny! We also got a package today from Vanaema and Vanaisa! THANKS so much everyone :) Enjoy the finished product photos!

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

Love it Kelly! It really looks gorgeous. Enjoy it! You are welcome for the present--I hope she likes it. When I saw it, Kaitlyn came to mind right away. Looking forward to the birthday update!
