Monday, April 06, 2009

Happy 7th Birthday to Erik!!


HAPPY 7th Birthday to my big boy Erik!! I can't believe he is seven years old today. It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating Krista's 7th Birthday! I'm so happy for Erik to be turning seven. He has matured and developed so much this year, and I am thrilled to see him mature. He entered "real" French school this year, and since that big seems like there have been changes now on a daily basis! He looks so much older to me this year with his adult teeth on top..physically he is taller, stronger and leaner. He is turning into a little man now. He is such a darling, precious, smart and gentle little boy and I'm SOOOO thankful for him.

This year's birthday's theme (we always have a theme) is Pokemon. Pokemon is definately a big deal for Erik at the moment (and has been since September)..Card collecting is by far one of his favorite hobbies! Erik is such a smart little boy...always eager to learn facts or experience something new. He is also very organized and loves the idea of collecting things. He has excelled SO much in school this year as a result of his organization and discipline. I'd have to say that he is definately at the top of his class (maybe not first but not far behind!). He is only 1 of 2 students that has earned their "livre" --A book that is earned through a reward point system. The teacher gives out points to the children who excel in their daily work. After 10 points you earn a small card with a charater on it (farm animals and teddy bears mostly) and after 10 cards you earn a book (ie 100 points). One girl beat him to the first book---but he was only a few points behind and now the second child in the class to have earned his book! (Krista was the first to earn the book in her CP class by the way!!! Hard to contend with those eager girls!!). I'm very proud of how well Erik has done this year. He behaves VERY VERY well in class which isn't always easy when you are a boy full of energy! He is a very disciplined little guy---always opens his book bag when he gets home and is on top of his homework without me needing to bother him. His room is SPOTLESS! He hangs his clothes in his closet on his own, offers to help me clean up pretty often, and is generally just a WONDERFUL little guy.

Today is just GORGEOUS weather so we spent the lunch break outside on the swingset. I got some cute photos of all 4 of the kids together. I'll post those soon. Tonight Toomas will come home early from work and I'll take Erik to his favorite store to pick out a gift. I've always taken the kids alone on their special day to the store of their choice for a 10 Euro gift! It sure makes them happy to get to chose their own gift AND spend some time alone with Mommy. Erik will be in for a surprise tonight because his BIG gift is a new speed mountain bike! It is really NEAT! His current bike is really only up to 6 years maxium so he is really a giant on it! I can't wait for him to see his shiny new bike that Daddy shopped for and picked out for him. What fun that will be. After the gift opening we'll order pizza (we love our pizza around here!!!) and then have his Pokemon birthday cake! Should be a fun fun day for everyone! :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY SWEET ERIK!!!! My how you've grown! Here are a few photos of Erik over the years!! Here he is over the 7 years...a photo of each birthday! :)

First Birthday 2003

Second Birthday 2004

Third Birthday 2005

Fourth Birthday 2006

Fifth Birthday 2007

Sixth Birthday 2008

Seventh Birthday 2009

1 comment:

4 in 4 said...

Happy Birthday Eric! Wow! Hard to believe how big he is and that he is 7 already! Where is the time going? I remember (through the pics) well when he celebrated his 4th birthday!